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Senior Strategy Consultant, Danica Pension

Danske Bank

Do you want to engage in key strategic decisions in the heart of the financial sector? Join us as a Senior Strategy Consultant and collaborate directly with executive management at our vibrant new headquarters. Dive into complex challenges, influence critical strategies, and shape your career path with extensive professional growth opportunities.
Do you want to engage in key strategic decisions in the heart of the financial sector? Join us as a Senior Strategy Consultant and collaborate directly with executive management at our vibrant new headquarters. Dive into complex challenges, influence critical strategies, and shape your career path with extensive professional growth opportunities.

Senior Strategy Consultant at Danica Pension
Danica Pension, an integral part of Danske Bank Group, is seeking a Senior Strategy Consultant. This role is based at our dynamic, new headquarters on Bernstorffsgade alongside Danske Bank. It offers an exceptional opportunity to gain deep insights and broad knowledge about the most critical strategic decision-making processes at the core of the financial sector.

Position Overview
Reporting to the Executive Advisor for our CEO, the Senior Strategy Consultant will collaborate closely with executive management to support and facilitate strategic initiatives as directed. This role involves extensive collaboration across Danica Pension, making a significant contribution towards achieving our strategic goals.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Assist in strategic reporting to the board to ensure transparency and clarity in the communication of strategic progress.
  • Engage actively with various departments across Danica Pension and Danske Bank to ensure comprehensive integration and collaboration in strategic activities.
  • Facilitate and participate in steering committees that include executive members, aiding in strategic decision-making processes.
  • Conduct comprehensive in-depth analyses and market research to inform strategic initiatives, providing critical insights that will influence decision-making and strategic direction at both Danica and Danske Bank.

This position plays a key role in the strategic development and realization of goals within Danica and in a close collaboration with Danske Bank. It offers extensive opportunities for professional growth and networking across the organization. The role also provides flexible working conditions, including the possibility for remote work, with a total weekly commitment of approximately 37-40 hours. There is a clear career progression path within the Danica and Danske Bank Group. Additionally, employees will enjoy state-of-the-art office facilities and social events at our brand-new headquarters.
Your Qualifications
We imagine that you have following qualifications:

  • 3-5 years of management consulting experience from a top-tier consulting firm.
  • Demonstrated ability to utilize a comprehensive toolkit of consulting methodologies to facilitate cross-functional processes and break down and solve complex problems.
  • Skilled in simplifying complex challenges and presenting them in an understandable and actionable manner.
  • Ability to navigate and work effectively across different cultural and functional boundaries within the organization.
  • Proven track record in strategy development and operational implementation, preferably within the financial sector.
  • Fluency in Danish and English language.

Interested? Apply now!
If you have any questions about the role, please contact Andreas Bernholdt Banemann, Executive Advisor for the CEO, at [email protected].

We look forward to receiving your application and potentially welcome you aboard to advance the strategic objectives of Danica Pension!

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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