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Senior Field Service Engineer

Weibel Scientific A/S

Do you want to unfold your skills technical skills in a world leading technology driven company?
This is your chance to join Weibel and become a part of our growing Aftermarket Surveillance team. You will join a Danish high tech market leader with a predominately export customer base. We are a profitable growth company that is well established in our traditional market and currently expanding into new large business areas.

We have recently launched XENTA - a new Surveillance Radar for Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) and C-UAS applications. XENTA is a state-of-the-art radar system, developed for high-performance 3D air surveillance of all types of air threats. We have quickly gained market shares and that is why we are looking for an experienced colleague to join our growing team.

We will make a considerable investment in you. We will put together an extensive program of technical in-house and on-the-job training and make you a true expert in our radar systems.

Top class technical service on state-of-the-art radar systems
Weibel’s overall goal is to keep our customers satisfied, and you will have an important role in this by being involved in all stages of final system testing, system delivery and our Aftermarket services worldwide. As part of our Surveillance Field Service Team, you will spend a lot of your time at customer sites around the world. We will provide you with on-going training, and your tasks and responsibility will gradually expand.

Your primary tasks will be:

  • Pre-FAT system testing and conversion of system requirements to FAT specifications
  • Performing FAT and SAT with customers
  • Mission support both on customer site and from HQ in Allerød
  • Provide customer support and incident handling
  • Develop and carry out basic and advanced operator training
  • Ensure performance and maintenance records on equipment are updated
  • Carry out root cause analyzes on equipment failures and recommend corrective actions

Considerable travel of up to 100 days per year will be required for this position and some travel will be with short notice. Therefore, you must be able to travel in the EU without a requirement for travel documents and in the USA on an ESTA permit or similar.

Your qualifications and background
We are looking for a candidate with a degree in engineering, or another relevant technical background, with a good understanding of IT systems, electronics as well as mechanical systems. You have the ability to make a thought-out plan for your ongoing tasks combined with the flexibility to handle unforeseen incidents. Furthermore, it is important that you have an open mind towards working with different cultures and professional backgrounds, and you are able to communicate with your audience in mind.

Additionally, your resume should include:

  • Hands-on knowledge of electronics and test equipment
  • Ability to interpret electrical, mechanical and RF schematics
  • Knowledge of industry practices
  • Technical writing skills – documentation, training, feedback and recommendations is an advantage
  • Good communicator in written and spoken English

Please note that it is a requirement that you are able to obtain a security clearance, since some of your tasks will take place in restricted areas.

Contact and application
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button. If you have questions, you are very welcome to contact our Surveillance Service Director, Tummas Sjúrðaberg on [email protected]

The deadline is October 10th, 2024.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Do you want to unfold your skills technical skills in a world leading technology driven company?
This is your chance to join Weibel and become a part of our growing Aftermarket Surveillance team. You will join a Danish high tech market leader with a predominately export customer base. We are a profitable growth company that is well established in our traditional market and currently expanding into new large business areas.

We have recently launched XENTA - a new Surveillance Radar for Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) and C-UAS applications. XENTA is a state-of-the-art radar system, developed for high-performance 3D air surveillance of all types of air threats. We have quickly gained market shares and that is why we are looking for an experienced colleague to join our growing team.

We will make a considerable investment in you. We will put together an extensive program of technical in-house and on-the-job training and make you a true expert in our radar systems.

Top class technical service on state-of-the-art radar systems
Weibel’s overall goal is to keep our customers satisfied, and you will have an important role in this by being involved in all stages of final system testing, system delivery and our Aftermarket services worldwide. As part of our Surveillance Field Service Team, you will spend a lot of your time at customer sites around the world. We will provide you with on-going training, and your tasks and responsibility will gradually expand.

Your primary tasks will be:

  • Pre-FAT system testing and conversion of system requirements to FAT specifications
  • Performing FAT and SAT with customers
  • Mission support both on customer site and from HQ in Allerød
  • Provide customer support and incident handling
  • Develop and carry out basic and advanced operator training
  • Ensure performance and maintenance records on equipment are updated
  • Carry out root cause analyzes on equipment failures and recommend corrective actions

Considerable travel of up to 100 days per year will be required for this position and some travel will be with short notice. Therefore, you must be able to travel in the EU without a requirement for travel documents and in the USA on an ESTA permit or similar.

Your qualifications and background
We are looking for a candidate with a degree in engineering, or another relevant technical background, with a good understanding of IT systems, electronics as well as mechanical systems. You have the ability to make a thought-out plan for your ongoing tasks combined with the flexibility to handle unforeseen incidents. Furthermore, it is important that you have an open mind towards working with different cultures and professional backgrounds, and you are able to communicate with your audience in mind.

Additionally, your resume should include:

  • Hands-on knowledge of electronics and test equipment
  • Ability to interpret electrical, mechanical and RF schematics
  • Knowledge of industry practices
  • Technical writing skills – documentation, training, feedback and recommendations is an advantage
  • Good communicator in written and spoken English

Please note that it is a requirement that you are able to obtain a security clearance, since some of your tasks will take place in restricted areas.

Contact and application
Please apply at our website using the ”Apply” button. If you have questions, you are very welcome to contact our Surveillance Service Director, Tummas Sjúrðaberg on [email protected]

The deadline is October 10th, 2024.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Department: Solvang 30, lillerød

Lokation: Allerød

Application deadline: 10 Oct 2024

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Application deadline 10 October 2024
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Weibel Scientific A/S

Solvang 30, 3450 Allerød

As the leading global producer and exporter of continuous-wave Doppler radars, we deliver superior products to mostly public organizations in the aerospace, defense, forensic science, and automotive industry sectors.

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