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Branding Specialist (Belgrade)


Branding Specialist

For NaviPartner, Danish Microsoft Gold Partner

Do you want to be part of a fast-moving, dynamic, and international company that work on a market-leading POS for retailers, museums/attractions, restaurants & cafes? Do you have a passion for marketing, strong analytical skills, a consumer-centric mindset and a strong commercial understanding? Then you might be our new Brand Specialist!

You will be an integral part of NaviPartner’ s Sales’ and Marketing Team of 10 competent colleagues, contributing to building the NaviPartner brand, working closely to set new standards.

Who is NaviPartner?

NaviPartner serves clients from all around the world, but most of them are from Denmark as the company originates there with base in Copenhagen. We are more than 140 employees globally located with main offices in Denmark, Mauritius and Serbia. We have a close cooperation and together we provide and host a POS omnichannel solution built on Microsoft Dynamics BC365.

You want this job, because

  • You gain great opportunities to grow within a company increasing in revenue year on year
  • You will be working in close cooperation with our sales and marketing team and refer to our head of Sales Kasper Højdal
  • You want colleagues with a young, eager and entrepreneurial mindset.
  • You want an informal work environment where your personal interests and skills can play a part in developing and shaping your position and NaviPartner.
  • You want a challenging job, where people trust you and will help you learn.

Your tasks will be to

  • Establish, maintain, and instill a consistent corporate branding presence using the Corporate Branding Guidelines
  • Develop and implement one-year brand plans that align with our commercial and consumer insights
  • Create impactful campaigns using compelling communication assets and digital strategies that captivate our audience
  • Tailor campaigns to local needs while maintaining global consistency.
  • Contribute in the definition and the implementation of the brand strategy across NaviPartner’s product suite.

You have

  • 3+ years of marketing experience, creating strategy and hands-on execution of a range of marketing campaigns including content creation, creative, and branding
  • Passionate and detail oriented, with ability to incorporate corporate goals and messaging in campaigns
  • Strong passion for understanding consumers and experience in turning consumer insights into business growth opportunities
  • You are committed to ensure progression, and you are ready to grow and expand your skills to make a significant impact on our brand and your career.
  • Ability to lead and execute large scale projects with multiple stakeholders independently
  • Creative thinker with great communication and interpersonal skills
  • Native or close to native English speaker with excellent writing skills
  • Experience with branding roles is a significant advantage

We are looking forward to welcoming you on board!

Send your CV – we are looking forward to hearing from you!

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Titangade 16, 2200 København N

NaviPartner leverer forretningsløsninger til detailhandel, e-handel og attraktioner. Vi sikrer kvaliteten af vores kunders data med løsninger, der lever op til de høje standarder sat af Microsoft, Infocert og IAASB.

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