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Clinical research associate

Region Hovedstaden

Applications are invited for a clinical research associate position with special focus on clinical research methodology at the Copenhagen Trial Unit, Centre for Clinical Intervention Research, Rigshospitalet
The Copenhagen Trial Unit (CTU) has an open position for a clinical research associate. The candidate must be highly professional, motivated, and experienced in conducting randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews as a principal investigator.

CTU is a clinical intervention research unit conducting clinical research within all medical specialties. CTU provides expertise and infrastructure in planning, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews.

The CTU is currently in the process of launching the SafeBoosC-IIIv trial, and we are looking for an applicant who can lead the conduct of this trial. The SafeBoosC-IIIv trial is an investigator-initiated, multinational, randomised, pragmatic phase III clinical trial (NCT05907317). The objective of the SafeBoosC-IIIv trial is to evaluate cerebral oximetry added to usual care versus usual care in newborns receiving invasive mechanical ventilation.

The applicant must be experienced in all stages of both randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews including project management, writing funding applications, protocol development, data analyses, and academic writing. CTU are conducting research in all medical specialties, and the applicant should be familiar with both somatic and psychiatric intervention research. The applicant must have a strong interest in clinical research methodology in general and should be experienced in different types of research methods for randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews.

The candidate must have passed a Ph.D. education or hold a Ph.D. degree, have a background in medicine or comparable fields, have experience with successful grant applications, and will be working as a postdoc level investigator. It is important that the candidate has an ambition to pursue an academic career further. Applicants should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and should be able to work independently. Applicants should be adaptable and flexible adjusting to the dynamic work environment of a small trial unit. Command of both English and Danish is necessary.

The successful candidate will be involved in the following activities:

  • Work as trial manager and coordinating investigator on the SafeBoosC-IIIv trial as well as principal investigator on methodological research projects, randomised clinical trials, and systematic reviews in close collaboration with staff from the CTU, as well as national and international collaborators.
  • Support other clinical research projects.
  • Assist in teaching and supervising students or early career researchers in clinical research methodology (e.g. all stages of conducting randomised clinical trials and systematic reviews).
  • Write grant proposals for future projects.
  • Participate in other clinical research activities at the CTU.

The successful candidate will report to the head of department, professor Christian Gluud, M.D., Dr.Med.Sci and chief physician, professor Janus Christian Jakobsen, M.D., Ph.D., Dr.Med.Sci. The position is full time, and it is based at the Copenhagen Trial Unit, Centre for Clinical Intervention Research, Department 7812, Copenhagen University Hospital ̶ Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The position runs from 1 November 2024 until 31 January 2028. Deadline for application is September 26. Interviews will be scheduled for October 1. And 8. 2024. The salary will depend on experience and qualifications and follows the relevant agreement with ‘Regionernes Løn- og Takstnævn’. For further information please see or contact Christian Gluud at [email protected].

Blegdamsvej 9, København Ø

Lokation: Rigshospitalet - Blegdamsvej

Application deadline: 26 Sep 2024

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Application deadline 26 September 2024
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Region Hovedstaden

Kongens Vænge 2, 3400 Hillerød

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