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Partnership Manager (Maternity Cover) – UNICEF Denmark

UNICEF Danmark

Are you passionate about global development, education, and children's rights? Do you have a strong track record in managing complex projects and partnerships across cultures? If so, UNICEF Denmark invites you to join our team as a Partnership Manager (Maternity Cover).

UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children's lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.

This position is based in UNICEF Denmark’s Partnership Department, where we collaborate with leading Danish companies and foundations to deliver meaningful impact for every child in the world.

As a Partnership Manager, you will primarily support UNICEF's partnership with the LEGO Foundation and may also engage with other partnerships. You will work alongside colleagues in UNICEF Denmark and a wide network of international UNICEF colleagues in Geneva, New York, and various Country Offices across Sub-Saharan Africa and other regions. The focus will be on creating synergies in partnership engagements, enhancing knowledge sharing, and supporting the development of new opportunities within our partnerships.

As a Partnership Manager, you will, in close collaboration with the team, fulfil the following responsibilities

  • Ensure that all components of the grant portfolio are delivered and serviced, including coordinating annual reports, annual review meetings, financial reporting, and grant stakeholder deliverables.
  • Collaborate closely with UNICEF's HQ, Regional Offices, and Country Offices to provide concrete and recipient-oriented project summaries to partners.
  • Arrange, coordinate, and attend workshops and field visits to convene partners and country offices for occasions related to grant milestones.
  • Support the setup of new grants, including developing work plans and managing contracting matters.
  • Coordinate and input to proposals and new opportunities, contributing to the strategic development of partnership

Ideal Candidate Profile:

  • 4-5 years of experience with an advanced university degree in international development, social sciences, or business.
  • Strong knowledge and passion for global development, education, and children's rights.
  • A strong sense of structure and discipline in project management, with the ability to provide actionable and well-structured advice.
  • Experience in managing multi-stakeholder and complex projects and partnerships.
  • Ambitious, entrepreneurial, and results-oriented mindset, with the ability to lead and prioritize simultaneous responsibilities.
  • Experience working in an international context across cultures, with strong interpersonal and diplomatic skills.

The Recruitment Process:
Please submit your application and CV through our job portal no later than 1st October 2024. We anticipate conducting interviews in weeks 41 (7th Oct – 11th Oct) and 43 (21st Oct – 25th Oct).

The position:
The position is a one year maternity cover from the 1st of January 2025 - 31st of Deceomber 2025. Your title will be Partnership Manager.

For english speaking applicants:
Please switch to the english version of this job before applying or you will be directed to our portal in Danish.

If you have any questions about the position, please contact the Global Partnerships Manager, Pernille Borgbo Gydesen, [email protected]

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Application deadline 01 October 2024
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UNICEF Danmark

FN Byen Marmorvej 51, 2100 København Ø

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