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Temporary Workers for Imerco’s Warehouse in Vallensbæk


Are you on a gap year, or do you want to earn a bit extra alongside your studies? Then we might have the right job for you.

We are currently looking for quick learners and hardworking temporary workers for Imerco’s warehouse in Vallensbæk, who can work weekdays during the day and take 3-5 shifts per week.

Your task will be to pack online orders for private customers. You will be stationed at a packing station, where you will receive and pack various items. The items need to be carefully packed into cardboard boxes, making them suitable and ready for transport. On a typical workday, you will pack between 100-150 boxes, depending on the size of the order.

You need to be careful, as some packages are fragile. You will be standing in one place, packing without much opportunity to move around. So, if you thrive on routine tasks and always maintain a positive and energetic attitude, then you are the right fit!

We offer:

An attractive job in a well-known company. You will be part of a diverse team with good team spirit and a culture where colleagues help each other reach the goal.

The number of shifts per week will vary, but as Imerco enters their peak season now, you must be able to take at least 3-4 shifts per week. Their busiest period is from week 46-50, so during this period, it is important that you are available to take on extra shifts.We offer a total hourly wage of 147.06 DKK.

Dette søger vi:
It is not important that you have previous experience with this type of job or warehouse work in general, although it’s a great advantage if you’ve done some form of physical/manual labor before, so you know what it’s like to be on your feet all day. However, the most important thing is that you enjoy routine and individual tasks.

Additionally, we expect you to:

- Be a reliable employee who commits to your scheduled shifts and arrives on time
- Always strive to do a good job and deliver high-quality performance when you come to work
- Pay attention to details as it is important that each package is packed correctly
- Have the physical capability to stand on your feet all day

The warehouse is located in Vallensbæk / Glostrup, which is easily accessible via public transport. There is also free parking on site.StudentConsulting is collaborating with Imerco, so you will be employed in a temporary position through StudentConsulting. Your contract will run until the end of the year with the possibility of extension.

Nøgleord: Black friday

Har du spørgsmål om stillingen?
Regitze Munch Nielsen eller en anden i Team Danmark svarer gerne på dine spørgsmål og overvejelser.

[email protected]

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Antal pladser
10 stk.

16 sep 2024

Sidste ansøgningsdag



11 dage - 3 måneder

fredag 01 november


7-15, 10-18, 15-23.


Krav om kørekort



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Frederiksborggade 15, 2. sal, 1360 København K

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