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Account Manager / Service Manager

Solteq Denmark A/S

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We are seeking a highly skilled Account Manager / Service Manager with extensive experience in customer and delivery management within the energy sector. In this position, you will work closely with internal teams and external stakeholders to ensure high levels of collaboration, service delivery, and customer satisfaction. You will play a critical role in managing customer relationships, overseeing development processes, and ensuring timely delivery of products and services.

Key Responsibilities

  • Account Management
    • Long experience managing customers and deliveries, including financial responsibility.
    • Deep knowledge of the energy business, electricity pricing, and transmission risk management.
    • Proven ability to define product requirements and work with internal teams and customers to develop products using agile methodologies.
    • Ability to compile, report, and communicate situational awareness within SQL systems and to customer management teams.
    • Strong contract management skills are considered an advantage.
  • Service Management
    • Expertise in Solteq Messages Services, Trade, and Distribution products, with knowledge of Solteq CIS and customer self-service products.
    • Proficient in ticket management, escalation, and monitoring development progress in collaboration with product development teams, especially using agile methods.
    • Industry expertise in sales pricing and risk management processes, with the ability to define needs, prioritize tasks, and manage customer issues.
    • Manage customer IDs and environments, oversee deployments and version management, and ensure smooth transitions for customer environments.
    • Monitor and promote development, handle invoicing, and lead service reporting.

Personality & Skills

We are looking for a high-pressure-tolerant individual who thrives in collaboration and customer-focused roles. The ideal candidate will be:

  • Sales-minded, systematic, and able to quickly grasp large entities and operational data.
  • A team player who can collaborate effectively with stakeholders at all levels, including management, IT, business experts, and product development teams.
  • Comfortable managing multiple projects and processes while maintaining an eye on the big picture.
  • Fluent in Finnish, with working proficiency in English.
  • Willing to work in Lappeenranta.

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Business Support


Remote status
Hybrid Remote


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Solteq Denmark A/S

Havneholmen 25, 9. tv.,, 1561 København V

Vi rådgiver danske forsyningsselskaber. Gennem årene har vi opbygget en dyb, specialiseret viden om sektorens behov og udfordringer, og vi står klar til at hjælpe

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