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Housekeeping Supervisor Coco Hotel


Housekeeping Supervisor - Coco Hotel
Coco Hotel is looking for a dedicated Housekeeping Supervisor to join our dynamic team. If you are passionate about high-quality service and have an eye for detail, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!

Main Requirements:

  • Fluent in English (mandatory).
  • Previous experience as a Supervisor in housekeeping is essential.
  • Flexibility in working hours.
  • Availability to work 2 weekends per month.
  • Responsible for inspecting rooms and ensuring the highest standards of cleanliness and quality.
  • Strong attention to detail.

What we offer:

  • Direct hire by Coco Hotel – no outsourcing.
  • A full-time contract.
  • Be part of a dedicated young team with a supportive work environment.
  • Start date: Approximately 15th of October.

If you are ready to take on a new challenge and contribute to our team's success, we would love to hear from you!

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Abel Cathrines Gade 7,, 1654 København V

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