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Senior Business Analyst in Remediation Team

Danske Bank

Do you have a sharp analytical mind, and do you thrive on driving projects with stakeholders? Here is the opportunity to have a role within one of Danske Bank’s most important programmes and be a part of the digital transformation towards enhancing our products and services to our customers.
Do you have a sharp analytical mind, and do you thrive on driving projects with stakeholders? Here is the opportunity to have a role within one of Danske Bank’s most important programmes and be a part of the digital transformation towards enhancing our products and services to our customers.

You will become part of a team, which is responsible for central analyses, reporting to stakeholders and driving execution across teams. You will work on a diverse set of tasks and be (together with our team) responsible for delivering analyses on large-scale data and optimizing our model.

We are a professional team where trust and collaboration are essential. Our core competencies are the ability to turn complex requirements into simple solutions, streamline processes, and work with efficient IT systems.

In our team, we work together with project managers and data scientists to deliver remediation for customers through a model-based approach. While data scientists handle the model implementation, our team of business analysts and project managers work with model optimisations, ensuring that the model receives the right inputs to be able to analyse and report on key business indicators related to the performance of the model. This involves communicating and getting approval for model changes and implementation from leadership and communicating to key stakeholders.

The position is based in Copenhagen, Denmark or Vilnius, Lithuania. We currently use a hybrid work model, where we work at least 3 days in the office.

*Depending on your experience and knowledge, we may offer you different seniority of the role.

You will:

  • Be responsible for collecting, investigating, and analysing data from various sources and ensure data accuracy and reliability, using their analysis to drive strategic decisions
  • Conduct thorough risk assessments and cost analyses to support business decisions, identify potential threats, and provide solutions to mitigate any identified risks
  • Coordinate various processes within the organization to ensure smooth operations across different teams and departments
  • Play a key role in planning and implementing strategic initiatives designed to enhance business performance (setting objectives, developing action plans, and ensuring that initiatives are effectively implemented)
  • Interact and liaise with various stakeholders (both internal and external)
  • Be responsible for reporting on various aspects of the business to relevant stakeholders, presenting data and insights in a clear and comprehensible way

About you:

  • 3 + years of experience in data driven projects
  • A proven track record working as a business analyst, data analyst, data scientist or similar
  • Basic Python Programming skills to perform data analysis
  • Advanced communication skills with the ability to facilitate complex material in a straightforward, understandable way
  • Upper-Intermediate English language skills
  • Expertise in Power Point, Excel, and other presentation tools
  • Solid analytical mindset and a structured working approach
  • Self-driven team member
  • Experience in project management and consulting (would be a bonus)

We offer:
Please be informed that if the position will be hired in Lithuania, the monthly salary range will be from 3440 EUR to 5160 EUR gross (based on your competencies relevant for the job).

See all the benefits HERE.
Your title in job contract will be Analyst-Business, Senior.

Feel free to contact me @LinkedIn if you have any questions - Theis Lykke Jensby, Lead Data Scientist.


Lersø Parkalle 100
2100 København Ø

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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