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Postdoctoral position in using AI and XR for learning at the Virtual Learning Lab

Københavns Universitet (KU)

The Virtual Learning Lab at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for a postdoctoral position in using AI and XR for learning from 1 December 2024
The position is for 1 year but with the goal of extending.

The Virtual Learning Lab (VLL) investigates learning with emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence and extended reality. Specifically, we focus on how, when, why, and who benefits from using these technologies. The goal of our research is to develop evidence-based knowledge that can enhance the learning effectiveness of when using these technologies. By guiding instructional designers to develop learning material more optimally, teachers to integrate lessons successfully, and clearly define targeted learning outcomes, we strive to explore the full potential and pitfalls of using emerging technologies in education. More information can be found here: Virtual Learning Lab – Department of Psychology

The VLL is in the SCOPE section at the Department of Psychology at the University of Copenhagen.

Duties and Responsibilities
The Postdoc is required to contribute to an innovative research environment, by contributing to conceiving, designing, and implementing empirical investigations, applying for grants, running studies, as well as other responsibilities at the VLL.

A postdoctoral position is a fixed-term academic position. The position is heavily weighted in favor of research. Other duties (e.g., research administration), grant writing, and teaching will also have to be performed to a lesser extent.

Your Competencies and Opportunities
Applicants should hold a PhD in Psychology, or a related discipline at the beginning of the employment. The candidate should have knowledge and research experience in the fields related to education, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and experimental psychology. Candidates should have expertise in design and analyses of psychological experiments, and strong quantitative analysis skills.

Strategy of the Faculty of the Social Sciences
The Department of Psychology is part of the Faculty of the Social Sciences. The faculty is a successful academic community that strives to put knowledge into action by:

  • Engaging partners in the co-creation of knowledge, learning and social change.
  • Empowering our students to become reflective and responsible citizens who have the vision, the knowledge, and the competences to change society for the better.
  • Energising global, European, and Danish communities of knowledge by innovating research methodologies and by research findings with impact

For more on the faculty strategy, see: Strategy for the Faculty of Social Science – University of Copenhagen (

You can read the Department’s strategy here Strategy – Department of Psychology - University of Copenhagen (

Terms of Employment

  • Further information on qualification requirements as postdoc can be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities 2019 here.
  • Terms of appointment and salary is in accordance with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne).
  • The salary range starts at DKK 38,575per month (EURO approx. 5,100) + a 17.1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The recruitment process
Further information on the recruitment process at University of Copenhagen can be found here: Recruitment process – University of Copenhagen (

An Equal Opportunity Workplace
The University of Copenhagen is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to creating an inclusive working environment and therefore encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity etc. For more on the diverse working place environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, see HR Excellence in Research – University of Copenhagen (

International applicant?
The University of Copenhagen offers a broad variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during your relocation and career counselling to expat partners. Please find more information about these services as well as information on entering and working in Denmark here: For international researchers at the University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen (

Contact information
Information about the recruitment process is available from HR: [email protected] - please refer to ID number: 211-1960/24-2I #1.
Additional information about the position can be obtained from Professor Guido Makransky, e-mail: [email protected].

How to apply
Submit a complete application at our online portal. Click on the “Apply now” icon at the bottom of the page to apply. The documents must be in Adobe PDF or Word.

Your application must be written in English and include the following documents:

  • Motivated application (max 2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Diplomas (PhD, master, and bachelor)
  • Other relevant material

The closing date for applications is 13 October 2024 at 23:59 [CEST] .

Applications or enclosures received thereafter will not be considered.

Københavns Universitet giver sine knap 10.000 medarbejdere muligheder for at udnytte deres talent fuldt ud i et ambitiøst, uformelt miljø. Vi sikrer traditionsrige og moderne rammer om uddannelser og fri forskning på højt internationalt niveau. Vi søger svar og løsninger på fælles problemer og gør ny viden tilgængelig og nyttig for andre.

Ansøgningsfrist: 13-10-2024

Ansættelsesdato: 01-12-2024

Afdeling/Sted: Department of Psychology

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Application deadline 13 October 2024
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Københavns Universitet (KU)

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