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Investment Professional to Illiquid Alternative Investments

Danske Bank

Are you interested in private market investments, and do you wish to develop a strong holistic toolbox within a fast-growing platform for alternative investments?
Are you interested in private market investments, and do you wish to develop a strong holistic toolbox within a fast-growing platform for alternative investments? Danske Bank Asset Management is currently looking for an Investment Analyst to join our Illiquid Investment team.

You become part of the investment management team who is responsible for all private market investment activity in Asset Management with a focus on Private Equity, Private Credit and Infrastructure investments. The team handles a growing capital base from institutional and retail customers of Danske Bank. We invest in private market opportunities through funds and co-investments sourced from our extensive network of leading market participants.

The team
Danske Bank Asset Management currently counts more than 20 investment professionals working exclusively with private market investments with combined experience from leading investment banks, institutional investors, management consulting and similar. You will join a highly capable team with a strong focus on talent development.

Your role and contribution
You will become part of our deal team for alternative investments. As an investment analyst you will participate in transactions across the platform and hence gain exposure to all core asset classes. Primary responsibilities will include:

  • Conduct financial and strategic analysis of investment opportunities within Private Equity, Private Credit and Infrastructure and assist on internal and external presentations
  • Prepare decision material for decision-makers on both new and existing investments
  • Support Chief Portfolio Managers in the on-going fund management
  • Assist in new fund raisings, investor presentation material and fund establishments

In this role, you will become part of a leading Nordic Asset Manager and join a team with extensive expertise across a wide spectrum of asset classes and investment strategies. The team is growing and is today an important cornerstone of our overall strategic focus. You will experience a steep learning curve and the opportunity to learn from highly experienced professionals.

Who are you?
We are looking for a skilled and motivated recent graduate (0-3 years’ of experience) within finance, economics, strategy or similar. An analytical mind-set and strong team spirit is highly appreciated.
The team will have a clear focus on your personal development, ensuring that you quickly develop a holistic investment toolbox and a broad understanding of private market investments.

We are looking for employees who always seek to develop themselves and our organisation. A career at Danske Bank is an opportunity to develop, grow and contribute to a culture of high aspirations. Based on the experience level there might also be an opportunity to join the group wide first year analyst programme.

Kindly apply using the application link.

If you want to know more about the job, please contact Christian Boll at [email protected]

Please note, that we are processing applications on a continuous basis, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

Bernstorffsgade 40
1577 København V

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Danske Bank

Bernstorffsgade 40, 1577 København V

Danske Bank er en nordisk bank med stærke lokale rødder og tætte forbindelser til resten af verden. I mere end 145 år har vi hjulpet mennesker og virksomheder i Norden med at indfri deres ambitioner.

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