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Staff scientist at Department of Biomedical Sciences

Københavns Universitet (KU)

We are looking for a highly motivated and independent staff scientistto support our research in nutritional immunology to commence 1 December 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter. The position is time-limited to 3 years.

Our research
We develop and use experimental systems tailored to model human disease with unmet medical needs; first and foremost, to improve our molecular understanding of disease progression, and secondly to identify biological factors of therapeutic relevance. Human samples, supported by proof-of-concept experiments in relevant animal models enables clinical testing in partnership with clinical collaborators.

Our research spans from diet-induced liver complications over gastrointestinal dysfunction to respiratory complications. We are characterized by an innovative mindset and thus – when relevant – strive to identify key (inter)national industry partners to co-develop early discoveries/molecular drug targets to curb human diseases

Our group has a diverse composition with regards to internationalization, gender and age.

Your job
You will join a multi-disciplinary out-of-the-box-thinking research team working primarily on gut barrier dysfunction in MASLD.

Your tasks will be:

  • Develop SOPs together with the group leader ensuring all lab members adhere to the most recent SOP versions.
  • Coordinating histological procedures from tissue preparation to image acquisition (rodent and human)
  • Perform and train students in wet lab procedures such as ELISA, Triglyceride quantification, DNA preparation, qPCR, cell assays and flow cytometry
  • Optimize and perform immunohistochemical stainings & FISH
  • Develop and setup new molecular and/or cell assays
  • Stakeholder on implementation of ELN and good data management procedures
  • Contribute to the departments teaching activities
  • Organize weekly lab meetings, prepare and lead the agenda in close collaboration with the PI.

You will be expected to contribute to and support the ongoing research projects in the group on an ad hoc basis when needed; disseminate your expertise to new lab members and support the lab management.

You will spend a minimum of two full days in the wet lab per week and can have up to one day per week working remotely.

We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic staff scientist with a can-do attitude and the following competencies and experience:

Essential experience and skills

  • You have a PhD in life sciences or a related field
  • You are FELASA accredited
  • You have documented experience optimising histological staining methods, including IHC, FISH and laser capture microdissection
  • You have documented experience in molecular biology
  • You have proven an ability to envision, plan and execute a research project
  • You have a documented track-record of teaching and/or supervision activities
  • Good English skills, written and spoken

Desirable experience and skills

  • Experience working with low abundance microbiome samples
  • Experience in programming in either R or Python
  • Collegial, service-minded, optimistic, and helpful

Place of employment
The place of employment is at Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in dynamic and international research environment.

Terms of employment
The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week.

The position is a fixed-term position limited to a period of 3 years. The starting date is 1 December 2024.

Employment will be in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations). The position is as Special Consultant(specialkonsulent) with the possibility to negotiate a salary supplement based on prior experiences and qualifications. The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund.

For further information regarding the position, please contact Gr. Leader, Assoc. Professor, Benjamin A. H. Jensen, [email protected].

Your application should in (English/Danish) include:

  • Letter of motivation addressing the above-listed requirements (max. one page).
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A certified/signed copy of certificate(s) of education

Please submit your application by clicking on “Apply Now” below. Only online applications will be accepted.

Application deadline: 2 October 2024
We reserve the right not to consider material received after the deadline, and not to consider applications that do not live up to the abovementioned requirements.

Interviews are expected to be held in the weeks following the application deadline.

The University of Copenhagen wish to reflect the diversity of society and encourage all qualified candidates to apply regardless of personal background.

Københavns Universitet giver sine knap 10.000 medarbejdere muligheder for at udnytte deres talent fuldt ud i et ambitiøst, uformelt miljø. Vi sikrer traditionsrige og moderne rammer om uddannelser og fri forskning på højt internationalt niveau. Vi søger svar og løsninger på fælles problemer og gør ny viden tilgængelig og nyttig for andre.

Benjamin Anderschou Holbech Jensen
E-mail: [email protected]

Ansøgningsfrist: 02-10-2024

Ansættelsesdato: 01-12-2024

Arbejdstid: Fuldtid

Afdeling/Sted: Biomedicinsk Institut

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Application deadline 02 October 2024
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Københavns Universitet (KU)

Nørregade 10, 1165 København K

Københavns Universitets mål er at drive forskning af højeste kvalitet, at tilbyde forskningsbaseret uddannelse til det højeste akademiske niveau, og at formidle ny og klassisk viden til såvel videnskabelige miljøer som til det omgivende samfund.

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