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Software Engineer II, Compiler


Minimum qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript).
  • 1 year of experience with data structures or algorithms.

Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience with compiler engineering and static analysis.

About the job
Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward.

Android is Google’s open-source mobile operating system powering more than 3 billion devices worldwide. Android is about bringing computing to everyone in the world. We believe computing is a super power for good, enabling access to information, economic opportunity, productivity, connectivity between friends and family and more. We think everyone in the world should have access to the best computing has to offer. We provide the platform for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and developers to build compelling computing devices (smartphones, tablets, TVs, wearables, etc) that run the best apps/services for everyone in the world.


  • Work on the optimizing compiler both implementing new optimizations and optimizing the runtime performance of the compiler itself.
  • Collaborate with a broad range of app developers using the compiler both external and internal to Google as well as working with the latest Kotlin and Java compilers to ensure new features are properly supported.
  • Work closely with teams integrating the compiler into their build systems to ensure new features are properly supported for all developers, including the Android Studio team and the Android Platform team.
  • Build additional tooling around the compiler to help developers understand the compiler and analyze their builds.
  • Work on the compiler producing DEX code for Android managed applications. This compiler supports release builds, focusing on generating small and efficient code and debug builds supporting precise source level debugging of Kotlin and Java.

Work location
Viby, Denmark

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Sankt Petri Passage 5, 2., 1165 København K

Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

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