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Research Specialist for Novo Nordisk, Måløv

Moment A/S

Are you excited about working with projects within Global Translation?

Placering: Hovedstaden

Jobtype: Vikariat

Tid: Fuldtid

Ansøgningsfrist: 11-10-2024

Team and job task
On behalf of our client Novo Nordisk, Moment, is looking for a full time Research Specialist to be part of a team which support the projects about Translational activities. You will be part of a small team which is a support function for other departments in the organisation which are responsible for different projects. Therefore, you will interact with many colleagues from different departments and countries - it will not affect your working time, even if there is a time difference.

You and your team's key responsibility is to ensure governance and high-quality management of human biosamples and data across the research organization, by guaranteeing all legal documentation is in place.

We are looking for a candidate who have a scientific background and someone who appreciates and stands up for a good collaboration. In addition, we hope that you can recognize the following qualifications in your profile:

  • Experience with writing and dealing with ethical, compliance and data protection guidelines from authorities to guarantee high compliance in use of human biosamples.
  • Experience in working in highly collaborative multi-disciplinary teams across academic and/or industrial research organisations.
  • Understanding of administrative work related with acquisition of human biosamples from collaborators.
  • Understanding of sample quality and laboratory techniques used for biomarker discovery, qualification and validation.

Nice to have:

  • Experience in collecting and/or managing samples from human cohorts, including flair for IT to manage large amounts of data.
  • Understanding of data storage solutions for human data in compliance.
  • Having a personal network in key areas of expertise – suitable for identification of potential external partners
  • Understanding of Danish, to allow reading of Danish authorities’ guidelines for compliant work with human biosamples.

Start: 1st October 2024 or latest middle of October

Duration: 12 months with possibility of extension

Working time: 37 hours/week within normal office hours

Location: Måløv

Salary: According to qualifications

Apply as soon as you can!
Applications will be screened on an ongoing basis, so you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Novo Nordisk er en global lægemiddelvirksomhed, der blev grundlagt i 1923 med hovedkontor lige uden for København. Formålet er at drive forandring for at bekæmpe diabetes og andre alvorlige kroniske sygdomme som svær overvægt og sjældne blodsygdomme og endokrine sygdomme.

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Application deadline 10 November 2024
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Moment A/S

Vester Farimagsgade 15, 5., 1606 København V

Vi er et vikar- og rekrutteringsbureau, der har vores vikarer i fokus. Vores fornemmeste opgave er at matche dygtige kandidater med attraktive virksomheder – i hele landet. Det har vi gjort siden 1997, og vi er – synes vi selv – rigtig gode til det. Vi har 5 kontorer, tæt på 200 dygtige medarbejdere og sender hver måned mere end 5.000 vikarer og konsulenter i arbejde. Skal vi også hjælpe dig?

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