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IT Supporter wanted for Queue-it in Copenhagen


Are you interested in IT security and compliance? Do you want to learn more about how IT can support business operations more efficiently? Then this position is for you!

On behalf of Queue-it, we are looking for an IT Supporter to start as soon as possible. Queue-it helps the world’s largest brands manage their busiest days. Their virtual waiting room solutions prevent website crashes and bot abuse to create a smoother, fairer online experience for billions of users. Queue-it is a diverse team from over 40 countries with offices in Denmark, the USA, South Korea, and Australia. About the Position:
As an IT Supporter at Queue-it, you will play a key role as the first point of contact for all Queue-it's employees globally regarding 1st line support. You will report directly to their IT Administrator and work closely with the experienced part-time IT Student Assistant. Your main responsibility will be to uphold IT security standards and ensure smooth IT operations for all Queue-it's employees. Overall, your tasks will include:
- 1st line support for all Queue-it's employees across the organization.
- Develop and maintain the Microsoft 365 solution setup.
- Maintain and continually optimize the meeting and conference setup.
- Regularly maintain and update guidelines, instructional materials, etc., to ensure efficient use of IT solutions, always meeting high standards.

Dette søger vi:
At Queue-it, they have a wide range of systems and thus a certain level of complexity, meaning that you should have a technical mindset and be motivated to continuously research the best solutions, building on your learning curve with a service-oriented approach towards users. You should also thrive in a fast-paced work environment.

- A relevant IT-related education is an advantage but not a requirement.
- Experience in IT support or similar roles. You can be newly graduated with experience from internships or apprenticeships.
- Strong written and verbal communication skills in English (office language).
- It’s an advantage if you are a super-user of Microsoft 365 solutions, including Teams and Office.

Practical Information and Recruitment Process:
Start date: As soon as possible.
Working hours: Full-time.
Salary: Based on qualifications.
Location: Copenhagen V.

If you’re interested in IT and compliance and want to grow within this field, apply for the position today! We are conducting interviews on an ongoing basis. The recruitment process is handled by StudentConsulting. If you have any questions about the position, please contact Recruiter Emma Jepsen at [email protected].

Nøgleord: IT, Support, Helpdesk, Security, Copenhagen

Har du spørgsmål om stillingen?
Emma Jepsen eller en anden i Team Danmark svarer gerne på dine spørgsmål og overvejelser.

[email protected]

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Full-time employment – permanent contract

Based on qualifications

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Frederiksborggade 15, 2. sal, 1360 København K

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