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Mechanical Design Engineer

Weibel Scientific A/S

Join Weibel and become a part of developing cutting-edge radar technology.
Do you want to be part of a technology-driven company and develop advanced Doppler Radars for customers across most the world? At Weibel, you will be working alongside innovative developers in close collaboration with our fully integrated production facility. Our in-house production provides a unique opportunity to explore new solutions without compromising on quality.

We are experiencing a growing demand for our systems and are increasing the complexity of our systems at the same time. That is why we are looking for a new colleague who wants to be a part of developing the next generation of radar systems.

Design the Future of Radar Technology
As a Mechanical Engineer at Weibel, you will get hands-on experience with our systems and bring your problem-solving skills to the table. You will join a team of dedicated engineers, who are responsible for the design and verification of the mechanical structures of several of the subsystems of the radar. Your contribution will make a positive impact on our products performance, and you will take your designs all the way from idea to final product.

Your role and responsibilities:

  • Bring to life new and existing designs for Pedestals and Mobile Tracking Bases, working closely with your team.
  • Execute test and evaluation campaigns to refine mechanical designs.
  • Evolve our mechanical designs, making them faster, better, and more efficient.
  • Support production and customers with up-to-date documentation and insights.
  • Get hands-on with prototypes and be part of the assembly, testing, and evaluation of your designs – plus join design-for-manufacturing (DFM) reviews with our in-house production team.
  • Work on optimizing production methods for mechanical parts – making sure our designs are efficient to produce.

About our new colleague:

  • You have a degree in mechanical engineering and can hit the ground running with your design tasks.
  • You are not afraid of challenging the status quo to find alternative ways forward.
  • You enjoy working in a collaborative environment and sharing knowledge about tools and techniques to the benefit of the team.
  • You have designed machined metal parts and know your way around CAD tools such as Autodesk Inventor and Vault.
  • It is an advantage if you have designed systems for tough environments or have experience with CE compliance.
  • You communicate well in English.

Your new team
You will join a team of 15 mechanical engineers and our level of experience range from newly graduated to more than 30 years in the industry. Together, we design and deliver state-of-the-art solutions to our customers. The common denominator for our team is that we believe in collaboration and bringing together different perspectives, this way we can ensure a seamless transition from design to production of our systems.

Contact and application
Apply directly through our website using the “Apply” button. Your application can be in Danish or English. If you have questions, you are welcome to reach out to Engineering Manager, Søren Bay on [email protected].

The deadline is October 20th, 2024

Please be aware that it is a requirement for this position that you can provide a criminal record with no remarks.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Department: Solvang 30, lillerød

Lokation: Allerød

Application deadline: 20 Oct 2024

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Application deadline 20 October 2024
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Weibel Scientific A/S

Solvang 30, 3450 Allerød

As the leading global producer and exporter of continuous-wave Doppler radars, we deliver superior products to mostly public organizations in the aerospace, defense, forensic science, and automotive industry sectors.

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