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Student positions: Front-end React or Back-end Elixir Developer


Qarma Aarhus Student

Salary Competitive

Qarma is a young, adaptable, and quality-driven company providing software solutions to leading brands and retailers all over the world.

Our solutions minimize waste and foster transparency in the supply chain, which is in high demand by companies moving towards a more sustainable future.

Our development team is an agile team, focused on delivering high-quality software. We build things as simple as possible, reworking and refactoring as needed. We choose tools and technologies that are most fit for the problem at hand. We believe in continuous integration, and release to production at least once a week.

With a global customer base, we have people relying on our uninterrupted service at all hours. Our system has a large test-coverage, and we take pride in developing robust software. All our work is done in close collaboration with the rest of the company and our users, giving us a good understand of how the system is used.

The Job:
Depending on interest and skills, you can work with either our front-end or back-end stack. Our back-end is built in Elixir, running in Docker containers with Amazon Cloud Services, and our front-end is built in React.

Familiarity with these technologies is an advantage but not a requirement. We expect you to be a quality-minded developer, fluent in at least one programming language, and open to learn and teach.

You will have a large degree of freedom in your work, and you are expected to take responsibility for what you do.

Although each developer has a primary development role, we help out where work is needed, and feedback from all developers is always appreciated.

Even as our team is growing, we believe that everyone should have a say when it comes to planning and technical decisions. We take responsibility for the product as a whole, which results in a good working environment, where focus is on making it right.

The average working hours would be around 10-15 hours per week with flexibility around holidays and exam periods.


  • Fluent in at least one programming language
  • Educational background in computer science or engineering
  • Good English skills
  • Open to learning and teaching

You will be working with the following technologies:

  • Elixir
  • Python
  • React
  • Typescript

We would like this person to work from our Århus office.

If the above sounds interesting, we look forward to receiving an application from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact CTO Søren Riis Mønsted on +45 6146 0241 or [email protected] .

For more information or questions please contact us at [email protected] or phone number +45 6146 0241

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Hermodsvej 5B, 8230 Aarhus, 8230 Aarhus

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