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Internship (Spring '25): Business Development Representative - Student Success Manager 🤝

CompanYoung A/S

Ever had a bad experience during your educational journey and felt the wish to change something? We need that fire to help millions of students thrive! 💥

StudentPulse is an intelligent student check-in platform for student engagement, academic feedback and support in higher education. If needed, students can request help or we can nudge them to take appropriate action. Currently, we are helping 50+ universities around Europe elevate students to new heights of personal, social, and academic well-being 🫂

As a BDR intern, it will be your most important task to expand our StudentPulse customer portfolio through LinkedIn. You will engage with hundreds of universities worldwide and inspire them to take action and improve student well-being/experience — this is done through chat on LinkedIn and email marketing. Our International focus is broad and it includes universities & colleges across the world.

Your tasks will include:

  • Identify and contact potential decision-makers within universities via LinkedIn and email.
  • Persuade prospects to schedule meetings to discuss our platform.
  • Introduce StudentPulse to student councils and relevant stakeholders.
  • Participate in sales meetings with universities.
  • Utilize CRM systems to manage leads and track progress.
  • Assist with various sales and marketing tasks as needed.

We will train you in social selling and how to use LinkedIn to qualify leads, and we give you the necessary skills to be able to work independently on your tasks.

We are looking for you 👀

  • You are pursuing a degree in sales, marketing, or communications.
  • It would be awesome if you had the experience working in the student council or were involved in student-led initiatives.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to engage and build rapport with potential clients.
  • You are outgoing and ready to contribute in a good mood to the team
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Fluent in English (written and spoken). It is not required that you speak Danish as we are an international company with an international focus.

Join us for a fun 10-week adventure in the heart of Aalborg starting from January 22st 🚀

If you believe you have what it takes to excel as a BDR at StudentPulse or have additional questions and want to have a chat, we’d love to hear from you 😊

Nyhavnsgade 14, 4. sal, 9000 Aalborg


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CompanYoung A/S

Nyhavnsgade 14 4th, 9000 Aalborg

Vi rådgiver førende uddannelsesinstitutioner og virksomheder i Danmark og er med til at hjælpe dem med at tiltrække og rekruttere de rette kandidater.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.

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