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General Helper

Itinera Denmark

General Helper
Do you want to be a part of developing a new University Hospital in Køge? Do you have what it takes to support the construction department in a fast-growing project team when you are probably our new General Helper.

We are looking for general helpers to support our construction department. You will work closely with construction workers and ground operators to complete your daily duties. You will also be working on a range of constructions tasks and truly take part in an extensive project.

To succeed in this role, you have hands-on experience with constructions. Your success in the job is also strongly linked to your problem-solving skills and your attention to detail so that you can adapt to different conditions and settings.

The ideal candidate must have related-experience in construction. Ideally the candidate has previous experience as a general helper in a construction site.

You are detail-oriented while working within a larger framework and capable of acting independently. You have a developed ability to cooperate with multiple stakeholders in an international company.

We offer an ambitious and unique working environment in an international organization, as well as a project with unique challenges and opportunities to grow. Moreover, we offer insight into a multicultural and multilingual company.

If you find the job interesting, think you have the right skills, and want to be part of KHPT in an exciting international environment, please upload your application and resume as soon as possible. Please note that we are conducting interviews with qualified candidates on an ongoing basis, so do not hesitate to submit your application and CV in English.

About Køge Hospital Project Team I/S (KHPT):
KHPT is a joint venture between Itinera and CMB, two Italian companies with experience in building hospitals.

The Køge Hospital Project is an expansion of the already existing University Hospital in Køge, which will include a complete renovation. When the renovation is complete, it will open to extended special departments, along with new departments for research, which will gather Zealand University Hospital under one single roof. When the work is finished the hospital will be 195.000 sq.m.

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As soon as possible


Office address:
c/o Sjælland Universitetshospital Lykkebækvej 1 4600 Køge

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Itinera Denmark

Industriparken 44 A, 2750 Ballerup

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