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Thesis Work for Augmented Reality-Enhanced Interactive Robot Programming by Demonstration



Thesis Work for Augmented Reality-Enhanced Interactive Robot Programming by Demonstration
At ABB, we are dedicated to addressing global challenges. Our core values: care, courage, curiosity, and collaboration - combined with a focus on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities - are key drivers in our aim to empower everyone to create sustainable solutions. That's our story. Make it your story.
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R&D Team Lead

Your role and responsibilities
ABB Corporate Research Center in Sweden is located in Västerås, about 100 kilometers west of Stockholm. Together with our colleagues in other R&D centers we develop technologies for future products and services of ABB's core businesses. In the Robotics team we focus on robot concepts / design, autonomous and intelligent robot, and robot applications in both industrial and service robot segments The integration of AR in robotics has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential to enhance human-robot interaction. Lead-through programming, a technique where humans physically guide robots to demonstrate tasks, has traditionally relied on direct manipulation of robotic arms. However, AR presents new opportunities to make this process applicable for traditional robots that lack a lead-through function. This work will explore the application of AR in enhancing the programming and teleoperation of 6-axis articulated robots. The work aims to design and implement an AR interface that facilitates intuitive lead-through programming, allowing users to interact with and guide robots in real-time. Research topics: Design an Augmented Reality (AR) Interface for Lead-Through Programming and Teleoperation of 6-Axis Articulated Robots. Goal(s): 1. Conduct a literature review of the current state-of-the-art in AR applications for lead-through programming in articulated and collaborative robots 2. Design a user-friendly AR interface that allows users to interact with a virtual robot, enabling real-time teleoperation of a synchronized physical 6-axis articulated robot Details: • 6 months (January, 2025 till June, 2025) • 30 credits • One student • Since lab work involved, the MS student need to come ABB office in Västerås • Contacts for details: [email protected] Your responsibilities: • Conduct a literature review • Design a user-friendly AR interface in Unity3D for a virtual robot, exchanging motion and sensor data, such as camera images, between the virtual and physical robots via ROS • Perform experiments with IRB 1200 robot to validate the feasibility of the proposed approach

Qualifications for the role

  • Suitable for student with interest in robotics and AR in general
  • Merit with prior knowledge in: Robot Operating System (ROS)/ AR application design using Meta OpenXR/ Unity3D/ Programming skills in C# and Python

More about us
Recruiting Manager Liwei Qi, +46 73 0212309, and supervisor Zhen Li, +46 72 4612484, email: [email protected] (preferrable to be reached via email than phone), will answer your questions. Positions are filled continuously. Apply with your CV, academic transcripts and a cover letter in English. Please note that we can only accept applications submitted through our online career portal. Applications via e-mail will have to be deleted and not processed due to data privacy requirements. We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story? Apply today or visit to read more about us and learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory #Li-onsite

Västerås, Sweden

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Meterbuen 33, 2740 Skovlunde

ABB er en førende global teknologivirksomhed, der styrker omstillingen af samfundet og industrien for at opnå en mere produktiv og bæredygtig fremtid. Ved at forbinde software med porteføljen af elektrificeringsprodukter, robotter, automation, motorer og frekvens-omformere, løfter ABB de teknologiske grænser op til nye højder.

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