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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
The Centre for Machine Learning located under the Data Science and Statistics Section of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for a paid PhD research fellowship position within the field of probabilistic machine learning to be filled earliest by 1 January 2025 for a period of three years. The application deadline is 30 November 2024, 23:55 CET.
The research project aims to develop new reinforcement learning algorithms with provable performance guarantees. The project specifically addresses continuous control problems with deep actor-critic algorithms. The provable efficiency guarantees are aimed to be developed using advanced
learning-theoretic tools such as Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Bayesian analysis. The project is funded by a prestigious domestic grant.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has the unique feature of bringing mathematicians and computer scientists together within a single department to foster theoretically well-backed high-quality data science research. The department is home to many ongoing externally funded research projects, as well as to a rich curriculum of data science courses. The Data Science and Statistics Group is a synergy platform for the data science experts at IMADA.
We are seeking candidates with strong desire to make significant contributions to science, specific interest in fundamental machine learning research, and an outstanding theoretical background in machine learning, Bayesian inference, and reinforcement learning demonstrated by excellent course grades and by scientific publications at major international peer-reviewed venues of core machine learning research. Strong scientific programming skills demonstrated by contributions to public code repositories or released source code from the candidate’s own publications is a big plus. We also expect excellent spoken and written communication skills in English.
The successful candidate will join the vibrant research atmosphere at the SDU Adaptive Intelligence Laboratory and entertain substantial peer support in both technical and social matters. The candidate will contribute to the publication of high-quality research papers at top-tier machine learning venues such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR together with the other lab members. The candidate will also fulfill teaching assistantship duties.
We will consider the candidates who have a master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or Theoretical Physics at the time of the commencement of employment. Candidates should demonstrate that they have passed at least two master’s level courses that cover advanced machine learning topics with a grade that corresponds to top 10% success within the native grade scale.
More information
For further questions about the position please contact Assoc. Prof. Melih Kandemir on [email protected].
Place of work
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is located at the main campus of the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
Placering: Odense, Denmark
This job posting is collected from company pages and is only shown as short resume. Read entire job ad here: