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Customer Success Manager

ComplyCloud ApS

Customer Success Manager

Customer Success Manager

If you’re passionate about creating the best customer experience, it’s difficult to find a more exciting role than this. We are looking for an enthusiastic person who will go the extra mile for our customers. Join our Customer Success team as a Customer Success Manager.

About the role

At ComplyCloud, our Customer Success team is small, but our ambitions are not! This role is twofold, and you’ll divide your time between customer support and customer success. You will spend your time delivering exceptional customer service and resolving their issues by providing clear, accurate and relevant information and you’ll also drive customer retention through proactive Customer Success tasks. This is a role with lots of opportunities to grow and develop and if this sounds like you, and you’re excited to be a part of our team, we'd love to hear from you.

What you’ll be doing

  • Respond to customer inquiries via email and phone in a professional manner and in accordance with service level agreements.
  • Perform daily issues hygiene; review issue updates and follow through with relevant stakeholders to help expedite issue resolution.
  • Resolve customer issues and complaints diplomatically and effectively and per our service level agreements and Service Standards.
  • Follow incident management protocols, escalate incidents, and complex issues to the next support level and ensure appropriate follow-ups are made with the customer
  • Drive customer retention through Customer Success tasks outlined in our Customer Journey
  • Accurately record all customer interactions in the CRM in accordance with standard operating procedures
  • Develop and maintain a thorough understanding and knowledge of the platform and services
  • Meet or exceed performance goals and customer satisfaction targets
  • Participate in cross-skilling exercises to broaden your understanding of the product and services

You will work alongside our CSMs as part of our Customer Success team based in Copenhagen and you will report to the CMCO.

What you bring:

  • 1-2 years of experience in Customer Success.
  • Technical proficiency and interest in ComplyCloud’s software and the ability to build great relationships with highly technical customers.
  • Clear and professional communication skills with fluent proficiency in Danish as many of our customers are Danish.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills with a high degree of empathy with a proven track record of long-term customer retention.

What you get

Of course, there are the standard things like market appropriate salary, pension scheme, and health insurance. But what makes the difference is our continuous focus on development, learning, meaningful and demanding work. We are a diverse group of people who value true collaboration, simplicity, decency and accountability. We believe in you and know that you have what it takes to shape and developthe future for ComplyCloud.

Working at ComplyCloud

We value our people and all the solutions we create together, and we believe that people only truly thrive when being together in person as part of a community. That’s why we promote an office first work culture. This means that we come to the office every day – to share knowledge, to learn from each other, to grow as a team, to laugh over lunch and to make sure that we all contribute to our common goals and team first culture.

ComplyCloud in 30 seconds

We are an award-winning LegalTech-SaaS and have built a lawyer made up of algorithms.

We are the only end-to-end platform for data protection and IT security compliance that combines legal and IT expertise with software to automate all your compliance management and provide you the mandatory documentation output.

We cannot wait to hear from you!

We’ll be assessing candidates and interviewing on an ongoing basis, so don't hesitate to hit that apply button. If you have questions, please reach out to Cathlin Frederiksen via

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ComplyCloud ApS

Main office: Borgergade 24B, 3., 1300 København

Den eneste GDPR-løsning på markedet, der kombinerer en compliancesoftware med de skarpeste advokater med speciale i GDPR, data og IT-sikkerhed.

Workplace has right now 5 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 2 candidates and no students and interns.

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