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Hansen Toft

Anonymous company
Our client is a well-established manufacturer with a strong international presence. The company produces high volume series with professional quality standards and certifications. There are more than 500 employees, and the company is among the biggest in Europe in their industry.

The company has a clear strategy with ambitious targets related to operations. The strategy states some specific prioritized areas such as automation and continuously focus on being efficient in all processes. The ongoing digitalization is also a key element of the strategy.

Overall, the strategy of the company is ambitious when it comes to sustainability, commercial excellence and business development.

A focus on leadership and emphasis on the core values are characteristic traits of the culture.

The company is head quartered in the southern region of Denmark.

Key role in a well performing company
Reporting to the CEO you are responsible for the supply chain from planning and purchase to manufacturing and shipping. You join a strong management team and play a vital role in the strategic development of the company.

Further, you are closely involved in the day-to-day management of the operation. Four managers are reporting to you, but you are still active in optimizing processes and in securing quality and output.

You drive the CAPEX projects and ensure that the manufacturing facilities are state-of-the-art.

Having the right organization, the needed capabilities as well as a high level of motivation in your team are crucial for the role.

Experienced leader with good people skills

You have a minimum of 10 years of experience from leading a production with a high volume. Your toolbox contains LEAN and other ways of optimizing the processes.

Leading via your management team comes natural to you and you have a strong track record from building strong teams. It is important that you are able to contribute to the future development of the company via a holistic understanding of the value chain. The ability to influence strategic decisions is necessary to become successful. In general, you are communicative, and you excel in setting directions, and in following up.

Experience with quality assurance and quality control help you in securing a high professional performance.

You are fluent in English in speech and writing.

Since the site is located in Southern Denmark, you may be residing in Northern Germany.

Bring the operation to the next level

The COO position offers you an opportunity of joining a successful company with a strong business platform. You will enjoy working with highly skilled colleagues, and you will also benefit from joining a company dedicated to the people agenda. There is a continuous improvement of capabilities going on.

The site is tailormade for its purpose with high professional standards. Further, there is a will to invest in new manufacturing technology.

ESG and quality assurance are highly prioritized.

If you have any questions, please call Research Consultant Line Thorhauge at +45 4940 8255.

Please note that we only need your cv if you want to apply. Your approach is handled with confidentiality.

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Hansen Toft

Main office: Hasselager Centervej 1, 8260 Viby J

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