Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet
On this course I decided to refresh my knowledge of JavaScript and to get new skills in React/Redux to grow as a Front-end developer.
I have got proficient with React.js including:
During the course, I build a dynamic CRUD app with the ability to create, edit, remove, search and filter elements.
Developed an informational app to demonstrate my gained skills and work of dynamic lists, react routing, functional components, webhooks, REST API, etc.
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Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet
Kurser, efteruddannelse og andet
Anden uddannelsesinstitution i udlandet
Web development.
Responsive, cross-browser and valid website layout.
Development of dynamic websites using the Java script language and its frameworks.
CSS animation.
Experience in developing one-page landing pages and multi-page online stores.
Working with graphic editors for web development.