Cand.scient. i Geografi og Geoinformatik
Københavns Universitet
GIS projekleder, Geograf
Company name withheld
Center for Town Planning, Finance Administration, City of Copenhagen
Udarbejdelse af GIS-kort, tematiske analyser med formidling af data og statistik og drift af Kommeplan 2015s kortdatabase, som samlet kan støtte op om den overordnede planlægning for byens udvikling. Mit kontor har ansvar for byens overordnede fysiske planlægning, herunder Kommuneplanen og de store byudviklingsprojekter. Vi arbejder ligeledes med kommunes overordnede byudvikling og kommuneplanlægning, med politikformulering, etablering af partnerskaber, planlægning af byens infrastruktur, sikker by tiltag, boligpolitik, samt med en række konkrete byudviklingsprojekter som fx Nordhavn, Carlsberg, Sydhavnen, Ørestad og Copenhagen Science City.
Company name withheld
GIS teaching assistant in Advanced Research Methods course of the MSc programme in Global Development at the Faculty of Social Sciences (Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet) of the University of Copenhagen. The course focus on research methods, interdisciplinary collaboration and research planning. Every year a group of approximately 80 students is introduced to GIS and the collection, preparation and presentation of GPS and geospatial data using QGIS and other applications.
GIS specialist, Geograf
Company name withheld
Danish Tax Ministry - Center for the Implementation of Property Valuations
Udvikling af beslutningsgrundlag og GIS-systemer til integration af geodata, software og redskaber i den nye beregningsmodel for ejendomsbeskatning i Danmark. Ansvarsområder inkluderer support til udvikling af datamodeller, integration, styring, konceptualisering og udvikling af desktop analyseværktøj og webGIS-løsninger.
Development of decision support and geographical information systems for the integration of geographical data, software and tools in the implementation process of a new system for the public valuation of commercial and investment properties in Denmark. Tasks include assisting with data modelling, integration and management, and the conceptualisation and development of desktop analysis tools and webGIS solutions.
AC Tekniker, Geograf
Company name withheld
Kortdigitalisering, Electronic Nautical Chart (ENC) produktion, workflow udvikling, opdatering af geodatabaser og stednavneregister for Geodatastyrelsens Grønlandsprojekt, der bl.a. omfatter planlægning og produktion af søkort for sikker sejlads i havene omkring Grønland (ved brug af ESRIs Nautical Solution og IHO S-57 data).
Development, maintenance and implementation of digital workflow systems for the collection and processing of geographical data and production of analogue and digital nautical charts and other marine products and deliverables.
Other tasks include maintaining Greenland's place name database, the implementation of software solutions for management of bathymetric data and the semi-automatic production of nautical charts, general vector and raster data management, preparation of ENCs (Electronic Nautical Charts) and ensuring products and deliverables meet international S-57 standards and international conventions and specifications for safety at sea in Danish, Faroese and Greenlandic waters.
Work conducted primarily within a ESRI-ArcMap/Oracle environment, alongside other platforms and tools such as QGIS, CARIS Base Editor, dKart, ENC Analyzer and SCALGO Nautical.
Company name withheld
Kortdigitalisering, navngivning og opdatering af geodatabase for Geodatastyrelsens Grønlandsprojekt. Kvalitetskontrol af LiDAR data (med FugroViewer og QGIS), som danner grundlag for en ny detaljeret landsdækkende højdemodel for Danmark.
Map digitising, placename and geodatabase maintenance for the Geodata Agency's Nautical Information System project, which involves the planning and production of nautical charts for safe navigation in Greenlandic waters using ArcGIS/ArcGIS for Maritime. Updating of Denmark's Digital Elevation Model (DEM), at the quality control stage of data assimilated by means of photogrammetric methods (LIDAR) at the agency's Data Processing department.
Company name withheld
Assisting and preparation of pre-feasibility assessment of potential wind farm sites.
Analyse af kortdata fra forskellige kilder (f.eks. Miljøportalen, MiljøGIS og kommunernes egen web-GIS) og miljøvurdering af planlægning for nye vindmøller I Danmark; Udvikling af GIS system med Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, planlægning og landskabsanalyser.
Company name withheld
Samfundskritisk og polemisk blogskribent.
Political and commentary blog writing.
Freelance translator
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Freelanceopgave som oversætter og researchkonsulent på DR Deadlines dokumentar Krigen om Rio, sendt på DR2 07.12.11. Se
Freelance translator for DR Deadline's documentary "Krigen om Rio" (War for Rio), broadcast on DR2 on 07.12.11
Journalist, Producer, Presenter
Company name withheld
Produktion, nyhedsoplæsning, redigering, reportage, interviews, radio og onlinejournalistik. Jeg arbejdede i studiet og i felten og udviklede og præsenterede bl.a. programmer med emner som sport, politik, videnskab og miljø med fokus på Europa, Afrika og Sydamerika. I 2009 vandt jeg Association for International Broadcastings Media Excellence Award for ‘Best Creative Radio Feature’ for en serie udsendelser om bæredygtig udvikling i Brasiliens Amazonasregion. Andre højdepunkter i min karriere var dækning af et komplekst præsidentvalg i Guinea-Bissau og FNs klimakonferencen COP15 i København.
Producing – presenting – editing – reporting - news reading - writing news, reports and packages - interviewing - broadcast & online journalism
Studio work and reporting from the ground. Some of my main achievements during this time include winning a Media Excellence Award from the Association for International Broadcasting for ‘Best Creative Radio Feature’ (for a series of programmes on sustainable development in the Amazon region of Brazil), covering a complex presidential campaign and election in Guinea-Bissau and the COP15 UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen. I prepared, produced and presented programmes on a wide variety of subjects, from sports to political analysis, science and the environment, often with little time and under strict deadlines. Some of my work's regional emphasis was on Western Europe, Africa and Latin America.
Chief Sub-Editor
Company name withheld
Attachment as Chief Sub-Editor in Nairobi, Kenya producing Value Added Products (backgrounders, country profiles, media round-ps and press reviews, etc.) – editing - subbing – translating - etc.
During this period I helped train and mentor local staff in media monitoring and how to produce media-related value-added products, such as Q&As, backgrounders, timeline and profile writing, among others as well as helped raise the awareness of internal communication channels and the profile of departmental services.
Chief Sub-Editor
Company name withheld
Dækning af økonomiske, sociale og politiske nyheder. Skræddersyet produktion, redigering og oversættelse af nyheder fra TV, radio, dagblade, Internet, nyhedsbureauer til ministerier og statslige organisationer, journalister, akademiske institutioner og virksomheder.
Coverage of economic, social and political news: writing, translating and editing products from a wide range of sources (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet, news agencies) tailored to suit the individual needs of customers (government departments, journalists and academics, businesses with commercial interests.
Company name withheld
Coverage of economic, social and political news: writing, translating and editing products from a wide range of sources (TV, radio, newspapers, Internet, news agencies) tailored to suit the individual needs of customers (government departments, journalists and academics, businesses with commercial interests.
Box Office Set-up Manager
Company name withheld
Teamleder. Ansvarlig for opsætning af billetsalgssoftwaresystem og koordination af særlige begivenheder og marketingsaktiviteter.
Managing box-office ticketing and set-up systems.