Current jobs at CoreSearch Vision A/S

Associate director - enterprise architect – IIOT & supply chain digitalization

Are you ready to embark on a continued journey to create the best possible digital experience for both Arla’s customers and their employees? Do you thrive in an organization that places equal importance on people skills, technological advancements, and data analytics to enhance collaboration and productivity? If so, we invite you to join Arla as their new Associate director enterprise architect for the supply chain domain

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Senior Java Developer

Become part of a scale-up environment with strong team spirit Do you want to be part of a development team that continuously works together on discovering new opportunities for delivering value to customers and business? And would you like to work in a company, where they strongly believe that working closely together across departments and teams helps collaborate on designing and building better solutions for their customers, but also creates a better working environment.

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Visionary Java Architect

Become part of a scale-up environment with strong team spirit Do you want to be part of a development team that continuously works together on discovering new opportunities for delivering value to customers and business? And would you like to work in a company, where they strongly believe that working closely together across departments and teams helps collaborate on designing and building better solutions for their customers, but also creates a better working environment.

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Dedicated and keen D365FO Business Consultant

At Cittros you will become part of a highly experienced and specialized Dynamics AX/D365FO team located in Copenhagen The Cittros team is comprised of highly experienced and specialized Dynamics AX/D365FO experts with years of successful ERP implementations. They focus on delivering high-quality, complex Dynamics AX/D365FO solutions. They are a customer-focused, service-oriented Microsoft partner with a stringent code of ethics that apply to all areas of their business.

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Dedicated and keen D365FO Business Consultant

At Cittros you will become part of a highly experienced and specialized Dynamics AX/D365FO team located in Copenhagen The Cittros team is comprised of highly experienced and specialized Dynamics AX/D365FO experts with years of successful ERP implementations. They focus on delivering high-quality, complex Dynamics AX/D365FO solutions. They are a customer-focused, service-oriented Microsoft partner with a stringent code of ethics that apply to all areas of their business.

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Agile Testers & Quality enthusiasts

For the leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management The development teams in Configit are looking for motivated agile testers to help enhance the quality of our product, build a great Test & QA community, and raise QA awareness. Configit is an international multicultural software company with offices in Denmark, Germany, the US, the UK, and in India. This position is at the headquarters in Copenhagen.

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Product Owner - Engineering

The leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management One of the development teams in Configit is looking for an outgoing and passionate Product Owner. The role is crucial in executing the product strategy, refine high-level requirements to product features, and maximizing the value delivered by the development team. Configit is an international multicultural software company with offices in Denmark, Germany, the US, the UK, and in India. This position is at the headquarters in Copenhagen.

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Operational Test Manager

Pensionsselskab hvor bæredygtighed og ansvarlighed er centrale værdier Som Operational Test Manager hos AkademikerPension spiller du en central rolle i at udvikle organisationens testmodenhed. Med din entusiasme og dedikation vil du få lederskab af og markant indflydelse på udformningen af testkulturen, inklusiv strategiudvikling og valg af værktøjer, metoder og rammer. I AkademikerPension bidrager du i en virksomhed, der prioriterer bæredygtighed højt og

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO

30 års erfaring med at forene mennesker, teknologi og forretning Cepheo er én af ​​de største Microsoft Dynamics 365 partnere i Norden,ruster sig til kundernes fremtid med løsninger baseret på Microsoft Dynamics 365FO, Microsoft Power Platform, CE & Azure. Der skal vækstes! Derfor leder vi efter markedets mest passionerede Dynamics 365 arkitekter, EA, specialister & konsulenter – både funktionelle, løsningsorienterede og tekniske specialister til spændende projekter og innovative løsninger.

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Senior Java Developers

Til scale-up i vækst med stærk holdånd Vil du være en del af en virksomhed, der samarbejder på tværs af afdelinger og teams for at designe og bygge de bedste produkter til kunderne samt skabe et godt arbejdsmiljø? Bekey er en scale-up virksomhed, der leverer sikre, digitale adgangsløsninger, som gør hverdagen nemmere og smartere for både leverandører og beboere - trygt, nemt og sikkert

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Technical QA Engineer

For the leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management One of Configit's seven development teams is in search of a experience and technical QA Engineer. Joining Configit offers a unique opportunity to thrive in a dynamic, ambitious, and international company, working alongside highly skilled colleagues. As an international, multicultural software company, Configit operates across offices in Denmark, Germany, the US, the UK, and India. This position is based at the headquarter in Copenhagen.

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Product Owner - Web & Application

Til et af dansk-svensk største samarbejder - Øresundsbron Vil du være med til at forme den digitale kunderejse, og har du både teknisk forståelse og forretningsforståelse? Er du god til at kommunikere på tværs af fagligheder og interessenter? Så har vi brug for dig! Vi søger en Product Owner til en nyoprettet stilling! Øresundsbron er på en spændende digitaliseringsrejse for at øge integrationen mellem landene, skabe en enestående kundeoplevelse og få en mere effektiv og veldrevet bro

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Product Owner – Cloud Platform

The leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management Configit's development team is in search of an enthusiastic and dynamic Product Owner to join their ranks. This pivotal role involves executing the product strategy, refining high-level requirements into tangible product features, and maximizing the value delivered by the development team. As an international, multicultural software company, Configit operates across offices in Denmark, Germany, the US, the UK, and India

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IT-Digital Udviklingschef

Til et af dansk-svensk største Konsortier - Øresundsbron Vil du være med til at drive Øresundsbrons digitaliseringsrejse, og har du både teknisk forståelse og forretningsforståelse? Er du god til at kommunikere på tværs af fagligheder og interessenter? Så har Øresundsbron brug for dig! Øresundsbron søger en Digital Udviklingschef til en nyoprettet stilling!

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D365FO Wholesale Solution Architect

30 års erfaring med at forene mennesker, teknologi og forretning Cepheo en af ​​de største Microsoft Dynamics 365 partnere i Norden,ruster sig til kundernes fremtid med løsninger baseret på Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform, CE og Microsoft Azure. Og der skal vækstes!

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 FO

30 års erfaring med at forene mennesker, teknologi og forretning Cepheo er én af de største Microsoft Dynamics 365 partnere i Norden, ruster sig til kundernes fremtid med løsninger baseret på Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform og Microsoft Azure.

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Solution Architect F&O - Manufacturing

30 års erfaring med at forene mennesker, teknologi og forretning Cepheo er en af Nordens største Microsoft Dynamics 365 partnere med løsninger baseret på Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform, CE og Microsoft Azure.

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Product Owner - Sales

The leader in Configuration Lifecycle Management Configit is seeking an outgoing and passionate Product Owner. The role is crucial in executing the product strategy, refining high-level requirements to product features, and maximizing the value the development team delivers. Configit is an international multicultural software company with offices in Denmark, Germany, the United States, UK, and India. This position is at the headquarters in Copenhagen.

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CoreSearch Vision A/S

Hovedgaden 43, 2970 Hørsholm

CoreSearch Vision A/S blev stiftet i 2001 – navnet er valgt, da det beskriver præcis det, vi arbejder med – vi searcher efter kernekompetencer hos vores kandidater på vegne af vores kunder.

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