Current jobs at Unique Human Capital A/S
HR-chef - Unique Human Capital
Vil du være med til at drive udviklingen af kompetencer, erfaring og mindset i takt med forretningens vækst? Som HR-chef hos Løvbjerg bliver du ansvarlig for at sikre, at alle HR-kerneprocesser implementeres effektivt og anvendes i hele organisationen. Derudover skal du udvikle den HR-strategi, der understøtter forretningsstrategien på både kort og lang sigt
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Global Accounting Director - Unique Human Capital
Drive Financial Excellence in a Strategic Leadership Role Are you ready to take on a leadership position where you can drive global financial excellence in a dynamic, PE-owned company? As Global Accounting Director at BoConcept, you will oversee and align financial operations worldwide, ensuring best-in-class accounting, compliance, and financial control.
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Financial Assistant, Family Office Services - Unique Human Capital
Nærværende og evner at arbejde med en meget høj grad af integritet Som Financial Assistant, Family Office Services bliver du en del af Family Office funktionen i Lars Larsen Group. Afdelingen har et særligt fokus på at understøtte ejerskabet i Lars Larsen Group på en række områder indenfor administration og økonomi, herunder personlige regnskaber, bogføring, årsregnskaber, betalinger, investeringer m.m.
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Senior Controller - Unique Human Capital
Vil du sætte et vigtigt aftryk på en markedsledende virksomhed i vækst? Som Senior Controller kommer du til at spille en vigtig rolle for udviklingen af en organisation i rivende udvikling, hvor fremtidens økonomifunktion er analytisk, datadrevet og forventes at være en stærk sparringspartner for forretningen.
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Associate Technical Product Manager – Equipment - Unique Human Capital
Contribute to the development and management of key materials handling and valve technologies As Associate Technical Product Manager – Equipment at GEA UK, you will support the Lead Technical Product Manager for Materials Handling Equipment and Buck Valve Technologies
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Technical Product Manager - Safety - Unique Human Capital
Drive safety innovation and technical leadership in a global engineering environment As Technical Product Manager – Safety at GEA UK, you will support all Technical Product Managers by managing and taking responsibility for safety-related considerations across GEA Eastleigh’s equipment portfolio. This position allows you to establish and develop the role while undertaking various technical tasks to enhance your understanding of equipment and systems.
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Investment Specialist til aktie- og impactinvesteringer - Unique Human Capital
Er du analytisk stærk, og vil du være med til at forme investeringsstrategien gennem aktie- og impactinvesteringer? Realdania ønsker i de kommende år at øge impact-/missionsrettede investeringer samt at højne eksekveringsevnen på aktieinvesteringer, og som et led heri udvides investeringsteamet med en dygtig kollega.
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Teamleder – IT Support - Unique Human Capital
Kan du skabe rammerne for ultimativ IT Support med 1. klasses service til alle i et førende advokatfirma, der samtidig giver arbejdsglæde og trivsel hos dine medarbejdere i teamet? Som Teamleder for IT Support i et stort dansk advokathus vil du, udover at lede og sætte struktur for supportteamet, også deltage i den daglige support af firmaets +600 medarbejdere. IT Supportteamet består af 5 supportere, hvoraf 3 arbejder på kontoret i København, og 2 er placeret i Aarhus.
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CEO til ambitiøs, international SMV-virksomhed - Unique Human Capital
Er du en handlekraftig og kommerciel leder med erfaring fra produktionsvirksomhed, der kan sikre international vækst via forhandlernetværk og en videre udvikling af selskabets digitale markedsføring og salg? Som CEO bliver du ansvarlig for at drive og videreudvikle virksomheden gennem strategisk ledelse, markedsudvikling og driftsoptimering i en spændende transformationsperiode
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Executive Advisor, Organisationer - Unique Human Capital
Bliv en vigtig del af branchens førende uafhængige og uvildige rådgiver inden for investering med fokus på gennemsigtighed og fair play i den finansielle sektor Hemonto er en veletableret, dansk fintech- og rådgivningsvirksomhed, hvis kernekompetence er at hjælpe formuende organisationer, virksomheder og private investorer med at skabe et stærkt grundlag for deres investeringsmæssige beslutninger gennem strategisk rådgivning og konsolideret rapportering
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Senior/Principal Scientist Downstream Process Development - Unique Human Capital
Take part in the development of antibody-based therapeutic products to improve patients’ lives Symphogen is in an exciting phase as the Antibody Center of Excellence in Servier. Its continued focus is developing antibody-based therapeutic products for treating cancer and neuro-inflammatory diseases. They are looking for a collaborative and driven Senior/Principal Scientist with expertise in downstream bioprocessing to join the drug substance development group.
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Family Office Director - Unique Human Capital
Bliv en betroet rådgiver for formuende familier og stå i spidsen for udviklingen af Hemontos Family Office satsning I næsten 20 år, har Hemonto hjulpet formuende familier med at navigere i de mange overvejelser og beslutninger, der følger med ejerskab og forvaltning af betydelige værdier. De agerer som en uafhængig og betroet partner, der sikrer, at familierne har det bedste fundament for deres formueforvaltning på tværs af generationer.
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Test Manager, Software & QA - Unique Human Capital
Are you passionate about cutting-edge technology and eager to impact the global transition to sustainable energy? As Test Manager at DEIF, you will play a key role in shaping the short- and long-term strategy for software testing at DEIF to ensure that the testing solutions are best in class and continuously improved with new technologies, methods, and tools. You will be part of the R&D Software organisation with direct report to the Vice President, Software
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Product Manager, SitaWare Mobile - Unique Human Capital
Do you possess the drive, strategic insight, and business acumen to shape the future of Systematic's highly successful mobile battle management systems? As Product Manager, SitaWare Mobile at Systematic, you are responsible for the entire product strategy, including identifying new market opportunities, establishing go-to-market plans with sales, and building supporting business cases.
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QA/RA Manager - Unique Human Capital
Drive quality and regulatory excellence in precision skin analysis and skin treatment devices As QA/RA Manager at Cortex Technology ApS, you will drive overall quality assurance and support regulatory affairs activities, including regulatory approvals, quality management system compliance, product quality, and workflow optimisation. You will work closely with the departments, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
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Head of Sourcing - Unique Human Capital
Do you want to work for a leading global company and be the driving force behind securing a reliable and efficient sourcing setup? Kamstrup has great growth potential and is dedicated to driving momentum and optimising the world's water and energy resources
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Supply Chain & Manufacturing Manager - Unique Human Capital
Drive excellence in supply chain and manufacturing for innovative therapies As Supply Chain & Manufacturing Manager at MC2 Therapeutics, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless operation of MC2 Therapeutics’ supply chain and external manufacturing activities.
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Commercial Analyst – Transformér data til indsigt hos Løvbjerg Supermarked A/S - Unique Human Capital
Vil du omsætte data til kommerciel indsigt og understøtte strategiske beslutninger i en ambitiøs vækstvirksomhed? Som Commercial Analyst hos Løvbjerg bliver du en central del af virksomhedens vækstrejse. Løvbjerg er på en spændende rejse mod at blive endnu mere datadrevet i både deres operationelle og strategiske beslutningsprocesser
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Account Manager, El-installatørsalg - Unique Human Capital
Kan du drive stærke kunderelationer og gensidig vækst? Som Account Manager, El-installatørsalg hos Solar A/S bliver du en del af Solars eksterne el-organisation, der arbejder med salg af el-tekniske produkter, projekter og services. Du vil få ansvar for din egen kundeportefølje, og du vil arbejde tæt sammen med kunderne for at forstå deres forretning og behov og dermed skabe partnerskaber med fokus på gensidig vækst.
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Head of Finance - Unique Human Capital
Do you want to put your mark on the financial processes of an international company? As Head of Finance, you will be a close sparring partner for senior leadership and contribute to developing the finance function covering different entities. You will be leading a small finance team, which requires you to work both operationally and strategically, contributing to the further development of the company.
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Partner, Sydjylland eller Fyn - Unique Human Capital
Er du en erfaren investerings- og eller kunderådgiver, og vil du prøve kræfter med din egen virksomhed med et stabilt og veletableret bagland i ryggen? Secure Spectrum Fondsmæglerselskab ønsker fortsat at styrke deres brand og positionering gennem lokalt forankret rådgivning til deres kunder. Derfor har de udviklet et Partnerkoncept ud fra betragtningen om, at det er den bedste forudsætning for at udvikle forretningen lokalt og overordnet
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Product Director - Unique Human Capital
Join Chora as Product Director and lead the success of its products by driving strategy, managing the product roadmap, and collaborating closely with stakeholders across the company The role of Product Director is newly created, and it emphasises a strong focus on the product life cycle, ensuring that each stage, from development to market introduction and eventual phase-out, is strategically managed
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Chefkonsulent - Unique Human Capital
Vil du være med til at skabe strategiske løsninger, der gør en forskel for samfundet? Som Chefkonsulent hos Pluss Leadership bliver du en nøgleperson i løsningen af komplekse samfundsmæssige udfordringer. Du vil arbejde tæt sammen med dygtige kollegaer og kunder på tværs af sektorer for at skabe værdifulde løsninger.
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Team Manager Stability & Formulation - Unique Human Capital
Join the Antibody Center of Excellence and apply your managerial skills and scientific expertise, making a significant impact in an innovative environment Symphogen is in an exciting phase as the Antibody Center of Excellence in Servier with a continued focus on the development of antibody-based therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases.
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Senior Scientist Drug Product Development - Unique Human Capital
Take part in an exciting journey of antibody drug product development aiming at improving patients’ health Symphogen is in an exciting phase as the Antibody Center of Excellence in Servier with a continued focus on the development of antibody-based therapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases.
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DevOps Engineer - Unique Human Capital
Are you passionate about cutting-edge technology and eager to impact the global transition to sustainable energy? As a DevOps Engineer at DEIF, you will be involved in maintaining and optimizing their Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) systems. DEIF is a global leader in climate-friendly power management solutions, and this role offers a unique opportunity to contribute to their cutting-edge, platform-based approach to software and hardware development
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Senior Software Developer for Wind Energy Applications - Unique Human Capital
Do you enjoy turning models into user-friendly software and have significant hands-on experience with full-stack desktop software development and unmanaged code? As Senior Software Developer at EMD International, you will be part of the software team working to develop desktop software for renewable energy applications, and in this case, particularly wind energy, through the industry-leading windPRO software
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Design Manager, Gas Compression - Unique Human Capital
Lead the way in green gas innovation - designing, mentoring, and delivering exceptional solutions in the global energy transition With more than 2,000 energy specialists globally, Ramboll is a leader in green energy transition and delivers future-proof, efficient, cost-effective energy solutions. Ramboll has contributed to groundbreaking projects, from energy islands to offshore wind, waste-to-energy, and Power-to-X.
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