Current jobs at Telia

Data Analyst for Network Infrastructure Department at Telia

We want to be better at utilizing the vast amount of data we have available. We are good at using network data to improve network quality and customer experience but want to be much better at using data for strategic input – for example when creating our network strategy and network rollout plans. We also want to be better at correlating network data and data about our customers to ensure that the network we build supports the needs of our customers, both today and in the future

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Erhvervskunderådgiver, Telia Enterprise

Vil du være med til at gøre en forskel for vores erhvervskunder? Give god sparring, så vores kunder har de bedste og rigtige produkter til dem og deres behov? Sikre at de får den hjælp, de skal bruge, når de har spørgsmål om alt lige fra regninger til ændringer af deres services og produkter? Så skal du helt sikkert læse videre! I Telia er kunden omdrejningspunktet for alt hvad vi gør

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Process & Procedure Specialist, Telia Enterprise

Will you support our frontline channels in delivering and maintaining processes and procedures for products, tasks, and tools? We are looking for our new Process and Procedure Specialist for a maternity leave cover. Your new team | business support | optimization In our Operational Excellence Team, we support the whole Enterprise organization and external channels in retail and telesales, to perform at their best, in delivering amazing customer experience.

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Manager of Engagement, Sales and Order Management, Telia

Are you working with Portals, Point of Sales systems and Order Management systems? Experienced as people manager? This might be your next big opportunity! We are in the search of a new manager to lead a team of employees and multiple large teams of externals situated on-site, near- and off-shore doing development, maintenance and operations of our Engagement, sales and Order management systems. Impact at scale | digitize the way we do business

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Pricing Governance Specialist, Enterprise

Michael Burgaard, Head of Sales & Commercial Management: Du vil i denne rolle være med til at skabe det finansielle overblik, så vi sikrer, at vi giver de rigtige prisløsninger til erhvervskunderne, og at der skabes finansiel transparens omkring effekterne af prisjusteringerne. Dit nye job | ny funktion | prisstruktur og gennemsigtighed

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Head of Commercial Management, Telia

Mads Kirkeby Wind, Director of Commercial Management, fortæller: Telia er i en rivende udvikling, og vi går en rigtig spændende fremtid i møde efter Norlys har overtaget ejerskabet i april 2024. Vi har brug for en person, som er med til at sikre vores position i et konkurrencepræget marked Lyder det som dig? Så hører jeg meget gerne fra dig! DIT NYE BRAND | TELIA | KOMMERCIEL STRATEG

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Business Assurance specialist

Business Assurance is undergoing a transformation on the path of becoming an integrated part of Norlys and a central player in achieving business excellence. We are redefining the way we work, by streamlining processes and setting new standards for our area of expertise. We are looking for a person who will take part in this journey and make an impact on our ways of working. Is it you? We are a team of five dedicated colleagues. Our culture is open, and we listen and help each other

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Experienced Data Engineer, Telia

Do you want to create one of Telia's most central focus areas? We're on a change journey, looking for a Data Engineer for our analytics team. We have an important mission in supplying data to BI, AI, Network & MarTech solutions. Is this your next opportunity? You will join an environment with other skilled data engineers. We are a team with a culture of collaboration, learning and personal development. We trust each other fully and work with a lot of freedom in a cooperative environment

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Transport Network Automation Engineer at Telia

Would you like to be part of a team that works on better connecting people? We have an ambition of inspiring customers by connecting everyone, through a digital telco that delivers sustainably. If you are a long-term minded person, who finds joy in both defining how should we operate our network and services as well as developing the required systems to get there, then this could be the perfect role for you. Transport network automation engineer

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Technical Product Manager

Would you like to be part of a team that works on better connecting people? We have an ambition of inspiring customers by connecting everyone, through a digital telco that delivers sustainably. Telia Denmark was acquired by Norlys in April 2024, and in this role, you will be facing a carve out process from Telia Company and an integration into Norlys. We are very optimistic about the process and looking forward to becoming a part of Norlys

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Account Manager til Internet of Things (IoT) hos Telia

Verden omkring os bliver til stadighed mere digital og virksomheder, store som små, er i fuld gang med deres egne digitale rejse. En svær rejse som kræver samspil mellem forskellige aktører for at optimere forretningsprocesser og integrere digitale løsninger.

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Mødebooker til Large Sales hos Telia

Trives du med skabe resultater via opsøgende dialoger med nye erhvervskunder? Vi har tusindvis af emner i vores CRM-system (Salesforce), der ligger og venter på at der er én der ringer til dem og vækker deres interesse. Om os | Faglighed og fællesskab Du vil blive en del af et dygtigt og kompetent team, hvor fællesskab, samarbejde og nysgerrighed driver os hver dag. Det er en rolle, hvor du kan udvikle dig og få sparring fra mange dygtige kollegaer

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Salesforce Developer for Telia

Working with Salesforce? This might be your next big opportunity. We are in the search of a new colleague to join the Salesforce team, one who will work as Salesforce Developer and deliver exciting IT solutions within Sales, Service, CPQ and Marketing. Impact at scale | digitize the way we do business - your contribution will accelerate digitalization of the business at Telia. Your new role | what will you do | take ownership

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Account manager i Large Account på Sjælland

Trives du med skabe relationer og salg til både eksisterende samt nye erhvervskunder indenfor mellemstore og store virksomheder? I Telia er kunden omdrejningspunktet for alt hvad vi gør. Vi tror på at den tætte relation mellem kunde og Account Manager skaber grobunden for det gode samarbejde. DIN NYE ROLLE | SKAB RELATIONEN Som Account Manager er det din opgave at skabe relationen gennem inspirerende dialoger, med udgangspunkt i hvor Telia kan skabe værdi for kundens forretning

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Erfaren leder til B2B salgsafdeling i Jylland og Fyn

Brænder du for ledelse og har erfaring med at drive salgsteam til succes? Vil du være med til at skabe stærke resultater og lede et dygtigt team af Account Managere og Sales Executives? Så er du måske vores nye Salgschef i Telia Erhverv. Om din nye rolle | Strategisk arbejde og sparring Som Salgschef for vores team i Jylland og Fyn bliver din hovedopgave at drive og udvikle et salgsteam bestående af seks engagerede Account Managere og Sales Executives

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Finance Business Partner, Telia Danmark

Do you enjoy working with business performance and analysis, and guiding your stakeholders to deliver on the strategic and financial ambitions? Do you want to secure accurate, timely and insightful financial planning and reporting, supporting our financial steering? Right now, we are looking for a Finance Business Partner in Telia Denmark to strengthen our Business Performance Team as a valued and trusted partner and advisor to the business units. Your new role and team

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Holmbladsgade 139, 2300 København

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