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What is your highest degree? If you are still a student, then specify your highest expected title and estimated graduation date.
Your education and graduation date helps us decide the right types of career offers - for students, fresh graduates or experienced candidates.
Who should we bid welcome among our talents?
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Your e-mail doubles as your login to our sites. Your Danish postal code is not required but it will help us to locate career offers near you.
What kind of career and job offers are you interested in? And what kind of information should we provide for you?
Jobs and career offers relevant for your education and preferences. Sent when available.
Articles, job advice and news from the job market. Sent once a month.
Klar til at gøre en forskel? Egholt ansætter miljøterapeuter, der kan og vil. Hvem er Egholt? Det formelle Konkret tilbyder vi fuldtidsansættelse på vilkår efter overenskomst mellem DE og SL. Egholt er en miljøterapeutisk behandlings- institution, der giver børn, unge og voksne chancen for at skabe sig et godt liv. Vi ved, at demmeddemindsteforudsætninger,fortjener at blive hjulpet af dem, der kan og vil mest
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Vi er et højt specialiseret miljøterapeutisk tilbud, der modtager børn, unge, og voksne i vores døgntilbud, dagtilbud, STU og skole