Aeven A/S

Statistics for jobs for highly educated

Development in job and career offers

Category statistics

Offered job types

In year 2023

Required education

In year 2023

Offered work areas

In year 2023

Offered location

In year 2023

The numbers are generated through statistics created through job collection for the jobbank network. Job statistics are updated with latest values on monthly basis.
Missing data is either due to the company not having any relevant jobs during this timespan or due to not being included in our job statistics within this particular period.

Aeven A/S

Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

Our story began serving the life sciences industry nearly three decades ago. Since then, we’ve worked hard to expand our business by working with a broad range of Danish companies that do business at a global scale in industries that are subject to strict laws and regulations, financial controls, and extremely high service level requirements.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here
We perodically offer student internships

More info for this company

Graduate programme Talent demand All current jobs

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