Current jobs at Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Associate professor in Higher education pedagogy and academic development (2024-224-05983)

Associate professor in Higher education pedagogy and academic development (2024-224-05983) At the department of Culture and learning, the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University, a position as Associate Professor in higher education pedagogy and academic development will be open for appointment as of the 1st of December 2024. The primary workplace of the position is at the Aalborg Campus

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National Center of Excellence looking for Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-06030)

National Center of Excellence looking for Assistant Professor in Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-06030) The National Center of Excellence PREDICT, based at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University (AAU) in Copenhagen, is looking to recruit a highly skilled Assistant Professor to join our international and interdisciplinary group of dedicated researchers. The position is a 3-year full-time position

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Assistant professor in Architectural Engineering (2024-224-06061)

Assistant professor in Architectural Engineering (2024-224-06061) A position as Assistant Professor in the Division of Architectural Engineering is available for 3 years at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University, Aalborg campus. The appointment is expected to commence 1 December 2024, or soon hereafter. The Department of the Built Environment (BUILD) focuses on the technical and scientific disciplines within the built environment

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One or more Assistant Professors in Design (2024-224-06065)

One or more Assistant Professors in Design (2024-224-06065) At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology a position one or more as Assistant Professors in Design is open for appointment from 1st of January, 2025 or soon hereafter and until 31st of December, 2027.

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2024-224-06057 POSTDOC IN NANOPOROSITY OF DISORDERED MATERIALS At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position in nanoporosity of disordered materials is open for appointment from November 1, 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is for 1½ years. Jobbeskrivelse

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2024-224-06059 Postdoc in Genome Centric Metagenomics

2024-224-06059 Postdoc in Genome Centric Metagenomics At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position in Genome Centric Metagenomics is open for appointment from 1 December 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is for 3 years

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Laboratorieingeniør Laboratorieingeniør med bioteknologisk baggrund til PLATO-projektet ved institut for medicin og sundhedsteknologi. Ved Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi søger vi en laboratorieingeniør til PLATO projektet til besættelse 1. oktober 2024 eller efter aftale derefter. Der er tale om en 37 timers stilling med ansættelses periode på 3 år med mulighed for forlængelse. Stillingen er forankret i forskergruppen Translational Pain Neuroscience and Precision Medicine.

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Associate Professor in Green Energy and Process Control Engineering (2024-224-06024)

Associate Professor in Green Energy and Process Control Engineering (2024-224-06024) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Associate Professor in Green Energy and Process Control Engineering is open for appointment from 1 March 2025 or soon hereafter. Jobbeskrivelse Aalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development of prosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society

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2024-224-06049 Postdoc in frost protection of fruit crops in a changing climate

2024-224-06049 Postdoc in frost protection of fruit crops in a changing climate At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position focused on reducing spring frost injuries in fruit crops is open for appointment from 1st of January 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is for 20 months. Jobbeskrivelse Freeze injury is a main limiting factor in horticultural crop production in temperate regions

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2024-224-06052, Postdoc in causal inference for compositional microbiome data

2024-224-06052, Postdoc in causal inference for compositional microbiome data The Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, offers a postdoc position within statistics starting February 1, 2025, or soon thereafter. The position will be based at Aalborg University’s campus in Aalborg and will have a duration of 3 years

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Sekretariatschef til Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet

Sekretariatschef til Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet Ved Institut for Kultur og Læring ved Aalborg Universitet søges en ny Sekretariatschef med ansættelse pr. 1 december 2024 eller snarest derefter. Instituttet har ca. 250 ansatte heraf 35 i administrationen. Vi har aktiviteter i både Aalborg og København. Instituttet har stærke forskningsmiljøer og udbyder en bred vifte af såvel dagstudier som videreuddannelse

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PhD Stipend in Machine Learning Models for Structural Reuse of Timber

PhD Stipend in Machine Learning Models for Structural Reuse of Timber At the Facualty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment (BUILD) at Aalborg University’s campus in Aalborg, a PhD stipend in Machine Learning Models for Structural Reuse of Timber is available within the doctoral programme Civil Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from 15 October 2024 or soon hereafter. Jobbeskrivelse

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PROJEKTKOORDINATOR TIL INNOVATION Brænder du for at understøtte nye iværksættere og forskere med at bringe ny viden i anvendelse? Vil du være med til at løfte danske universiteter op blandt de bedste i verden inden for kommercialisering af forskning? Så er denne stilling måske noget for dig. AAU ønsker at styrke samarbejdet mellem offentlige og private aktører omkring udvikling af nye og banebrydende teknologier med kommercielt potentiale, herunder at øge antallet af nye opstartsvirksomheder

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Postdoc Position in Time Series Management for 6G Networks, Aalborg University (2024-224-06058)

Postdoc Position in Time Series Management for 6G Networks, Aalborg University (2024-224-06058) At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Computer Science a position as Postdoc is open for appointment from 1st November 2024 or soon hereafter. Jobbeskrivelse

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2024-224-06050, Postdoc within statistical methods for biomarker validation

2024-224-06050, Postdoc within statistical methods for biomarker validation Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global concern for health of both humans and animals. Do you want to help reducing the use of antibiotics and thereby lower the risk for AMR? In this project we aim at doing exactly that with extensive research in pigs as a model

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2024-224-06047 Adjunktur i Formueret

2024-224-06047 Adjunktur i Formueret Ved Juridisk Institut, Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, er der pr. 1. december 2024 eller snarest herefter en ledig stilling som adjunkt inden for Formueret. Stillingen er ledig for en periode på 4 år. Jobbeskrivelse Juridisk institut ved Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet har et adjunktur med særligt fokus på formueret, ledigt til besættelse den 1. december eller snarest derefter i en 4-årige periode.

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2024-224-06048 Lektorat i databeskyttelsesret

2024-224-06048 Lektorat i databeskyttelsesret Ved Juridisk Institut, Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, er der pr. 1. december 2024 eller snarest herefter en ledig stilling som lektor inden for databeskyttelsesret. Jobbeskrivelse Juridisk institut ved Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet har et lektorat med særligt fokus på databeskyttelsesret, ledigt til besættelse den 1. december eller snarest derefter.

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Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek søger en systemadministrator til drift og udvikling af vores bibliotekssystem

Aalborg Universitetsbibliotek søger en systemadministrator til drift og udvikling af vores bibliotekssystem Synes du, at det er vigtigt og motiverende at bidrage til en brugervenlig og sikker adgang til kvalitetssikret videnskabelig viden for studerende, forskere og andre brugere af biblioteket? Så har vi en spændende og udfordrende stilling klar i Team Bibliotekssystem og Informationsressourcer

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Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying (2024-224-06044)

Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying (2024-224-06044) At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a position as Assistant Professor in Geodetic Engineering and Surveying is open for appointment from 1 January 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is for 3 years and will be based in the Copenhagen campus of Aalborg University

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Two PhD Positions in Quantum Computing and Machine Learning

Two PhD Positions in Quantum Computing and Machine Learning The Department of Computer Science, the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University has two fully-funded PhD positions available.The PhD students will be working at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning

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IT-supporter (barselsvikariat) til Aalborg Universitet

IT-supporter (barselsvikariat) til Aalborg Universitet Ønsker du dig et behageligt arbejdsmiljø med ansvar, frihed, dygtige kolleger og spændende faglige udfordringer? Har du naturligt flair for at hjælpe studerende og ansatte med IT? Er du udadvendt, serviceorienteret og god til at møde brugeren med et smil? Så er du måske vores nye barselsvikar, i en stilling som IT-supporter hos os på Aalborg Universitet (AAU) fra 15. oktober eller snarest muligt herefter. Jobbeskrivelse

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Ledelsessupport og strategisk rådgivning til Aalborg University Business School

Ledelsessupport og strategisk rådgivning til Aalborg University Business School

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Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Metabolomics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-06033)

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Metabolomics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2024-224-06033) The National Center of Excellence PREDICT based at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University in Copenhagen is looking to recruit a highly skilled tenure-track assistant professor to join our international and interdisciplinary group of dedicated researchers. The position is available at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, South Harbor, where the core facilities of PREDICT are located

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Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis (2024-224-06036)

Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis (2024-224-06036) At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology, a position as Associate Professor in Medical Image Analysis is open for appointment from February 1, 2025, or soon thereafter. Jobbeskrivelse Department of Health Science and Technology carries out multidisciplinary research, teaching and dissemination within biomedical engineering, sports science and medicine

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2024-224-06042 Postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy

2024-224-06042 Postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production a position as a full-time postdoc in Machine Learning Assisted Terahertz Spectroscopy is open for appointment from 1.12.2024 or soon thereafter. The position is available for a period of 3 years. Department of Materials and Production (MP) is a wide-ranging research and educational environment at Aalborg University

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Postdoc in Circular Design for Power Electronics (2024-224-06001)

Postdoc in Circular Design for Power Electronics (2024-224-06001) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Circular Design for Power Electronics is open for appointment from 1 January 2025, or soon hereafter. The position is for 2 years. Jobbeskrivelse Aalborg University contributes to the knowledge building of the global society as well as the development ofprosperity, welfare and culture of Danish society

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PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in Hydrology

PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in Hydrology At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN), a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Planning and Development. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 February 2025 or soon hereafter

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PhD Stipend in Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Simulators for Optimizing Fermentation Processes

PhD Stipend in Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning Simulators for Optimizing Fermentation Processes At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as PhD stipend is available within the general study program. The PhD stipend is open for appointment from 1 January, 2025 or soon hereafter. The employment is fixed for 3 years. Jobbeskrivelse

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PhD in Rationalities of Public Transport Practices

PhD in Rationalities of Public Transport Practices At the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, a three-year PhD position in the field of interaction and practices in public transport is open for application. The position is vacant from 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

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Lektor i Farmaci (2024-224-06015)

Lektor i Farmaci (2024-224-06015) Ved Klinisk Institut, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet, er en stilling på 20% (7,4 timer pr. uge) som lektor i Farmaci ledig fra 1. januar 2025 eller snarest herefter. Stillingen er tidsubegrænset. Klinisk Institut bidrager med at skabe, indtænke og implementere forskning inden for de kliniske specialer i Region Nordjylland

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PhD Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms

PhD Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms The Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University’s Copenhagen campus is looking for a PhD to build links between the fields of digital humanities and tourism studies. The position is a three-year project (full-time), ideally starting 1 December 2024

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Postdoc in the Calmodulinopathy Research Program (2024-224-06018)

Postdoc in the Calmodulinopathy Research Program (2024-224-06018) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience a position as Postdoc in the Calmodulinopathy Research program is open for appointment from 1 December 2024 or soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of 2.5 year. Jobbeskrivelse Calmodulinopathies were first described, when we in 2012 first coupled human genetic variants in calmodulin to cardiac arrhythmia

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Postdoc Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms (2024-224-06026)

Postdoc Position in CULTIGEN – Culture, Tourism and Regeneration through innovative digital solutions and governance platforms (2024-224-06026) The Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University’s Copenhagen campus is looking for a postdoc in the field of digital methods and participatory data design. The position is for two years full time, ideally starting 1 January 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Jobbeskrivelse

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PhD Stipend in AI-guided Speech Enhancement for Human Language Technology

PhD Stipend in AI-guided Speech Enhancement for Human Language Technology At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a PhD stipend in AI-guided Speech Enhancement for Human Language Technology is available within the general study programme Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The stipend is open for appointment from November 1, 2024, or soon as possible thereafter

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PhD Stipend in Neural Oscillations and Architectural Rhythms

PhD Stipend in Neural Oscillations and Architectural Rhythms At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technolgy, a PhD stipend is available within the study programme "Media, Architecture and Design". The stipend is open for appointment from 1 October 2024 or soon thereafter for a period of three years

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Reannouncement: Phd Stipend in Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Infections in the Indoor Environment

Reannouncement: Phd Stipend in Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Infections in the Indoor Environment At the Facullty of Engineering and Science, Department of the Built Environment, a PhD stipend is available within the doctoral programme "Civil Engineering". The stipend is open for appointment from 1 November, 2024 or soon hereafter in Aalborg. Jobbeskrivelse The COVID-19 pandemic is a respiratory infection disease and it has caused global health concern

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One or more Postdocs in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering – Optimized Composite Materials and Composite Recycling processes for Next-Generat

One or more Postdocs in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering – Optimized Composite Materials and Composite Recycling processes for Next-Generation Wind Turbine Blades (2024-224-05992) At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Materials and Production, one or more postdoc positions in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering is open for appointment starting in December 2024 or soon hereafter

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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

AAU’s uddannelser og forskning er problem- og projektbaseret og har fokus på det tværdisciplinære. Gennem samarbejde mellem forskere, studerende og offentlige og private virksomheder udbyder vi virkelighedsnære uddannelser og skaber forskningsresultater i verdensklasse. På AAU tror vi på, at viden kan og skal forandre verden. Derfor er AAU et universitet med ambitioner, der rækker langt udenfor murene og ind i kernen af de mest presserende globale og lokale brændpunkter.

Workplace has right now 110 employees with higher educational background. In last periode they hired 105 candidates and 50 students and interns.

We DO NOT ACCEPT unsolicited job applications.

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