Current jobs at Copenhagen Capacity

Ready to help inspire the world in creating a sustainable future in Copenhagen?

Copenhagen Capacity is looking for an ambitious Junior Business Analyst for the Investment Promotion department’s Green Transi-tion Team. Copenhagen Capacity is looking for an ambitious Junior Business Analyst for the Investment Promotion department’s Green Transition Team. The position is a part-time student assistant job and the focus will be to contribute to job creation and sustainable growth in the Greater Copenhagen Region.

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Bliv studentermedhjælper hos Copenhagen Capacity og vær med til at styrke Hovedstadens internationale position og udvikling

Er du interesseret i internationalisering, erhvervsfremme og kommunikation? Og kan du tænke dig et job i et spændende og internationalt miljø, hvor du arbejder for at skabe vækst og en bæredygtig udvikling i Hovedstadsregionen? Så er jobbet som studentermedhjælp hos Copenhagen Capacity noget for dig. Alsidige opgaver med en bred kontaktflade

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Head of Digital Development

We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Head of Digital Development to oversee, manage and enhance our organisation’s digital ecosystem. This is a pivotal role where you will ensure that our digital tools, platforms, and systems are optimized to support organisational goals. As a critical resource in the Marketing department, you will lead the way in setting best practices and policies, creating an advanced and streamlined digital environment

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Copenhagen Capacity

Main office: Nørregade 7B, 1165 København K

Copenhagen Capacity assists foreign businesses, investors and talent in identifying and capitalising on business opportunities in Greater Copenhagen.

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