Current jobs at Niels Brock

Niels Brock International seeks faculty for Strategy, Management and Business Research

Niels Brock International (NBI) is recruiting full-time faculty members to teach Strategy, Management and Business Research modules in our De Montfort University bachelor programmes. The Job We are recruiting teachers for 15 January 2025, to teach undergraduate Strategy, Management and Business Research Methods modules on the DMU Programmes. Job Profile The job may cover a variety of modules within Strategy, Management and Business Research.

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Niels Brock International seeks faculty to teach Accounting and Finance, Undergraduate Programmes

Niels Brock International (NBI) is recruiting full-time faculty members to teach in Accounting and Finance modules on our undergraduate programmes run in collaboration with De Montfort University. The Job We are recruiting teachers for 15 January 2025, to teach undergraduate Accounting and Finance modules on the DMU Programmes. Job Profile The job may cover a variety of modules within Accounting and Finance.

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Undervisere til EUX gymnasiet på Niels Brock

Vil du gøre eleverne på Niels Brocks EUX-gymnasium bedst muligt parate til at indgå aktivt i fremtidens samfund? Og kan du se fordelene ved at være en del af Danmarks mest internationale og innovative uddannelsesinstitution med mere end 10.000 elever, kursister og studerende? Om os På Niels Brocks EUX-gymnasium er det vores mål at uddanne og danne vores elever til en karriere inden for det merkantile område

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Niels Brock

Nørre Voldgade 34, 1358 København K

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