Current jobs at Novicell
Backend .NET Developer Web Development · Copenhagen
Apply here At Novicell, we are looking for a backend .NET Developer to join our team! About the job You will be part of the development team in our Copenhagen department, working closely with 30+ skilled and ambitious employees, including front-end and back-end developers, QA specialists, solutions architects, designers, and project managers. You will collaborate closely with a team of back-end and front-end developers to help solve business problems for our clients.
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HR Consultant Administration · Aarhus
Apply here Er du passioneret omkring HR og ønsker at arbejde i en dynamisk IT-virksomhed? Trives og motiveres du i en rolle, hvor du kan gøre en forskel? Så er det dig, vi leder efter! Hos Novicell bliver du en del af et kompetent HR team, hvor du får en rolle med opgaver inden for rekruttering, medarbejderudvikling, trivsel og eventplanlægning.
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Senior Digital Advisor Digital Advisory · Aarhus, Copenhagen
Apply here Brænder du for digital forretningsudvikling og strategi? Vil du være med til at rådgive og udvikle e-commerce-, omnichannel- og digital strategi for nogle af Danmarks største brands? Så læs endelig videre – du har måske fundet lige dét job, du har søgt efter! Novicell er en førende digital konsulentvirksomhed, der hjælper virksomheder med at realisere deres digitale potentiale
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Senior Backend .NET Developer Web Development · Aarhus
Apply here Are you passionate about solving business problems with software? Are you interested in the e-commerce domain? Are you familiar with building modern applications and want to help build solutions for Danish and International companies? And do you want to… • Work with the team to deliver modern composable .NET solutions to our clients. • Participate in discussion and implementation of best practices and technical direction for clients and the team.
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QA Specialist Web Development · Aarhus
Apply here Novicell Aarhus is looking for a skilled QA Specialist to develop its QA processes. Among other services, Novicell provides web solutions, e-commerce, and software applications based on web technologies. Right now we are looking for a quality conscious person with an understanding of specifications, development and QA processes to help make our deliverables even better.
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Senior Frontend Developer Web Development · Aarhus
Apply here Check out the English version below Vil du ... Udvikle fantastiske commerce-løsninger for store og kendte brands? Arbejde med et headless-setup, hvor præsentationen ikke dikteres af CMS’et? Tage det næste skridt i en international organisation med plads til både faglig og personlig udvikling? … og have det sjovt, mens du arbejder? Så læs videre – måske er det lige dig, vi leder efter!
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