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Senior IT Infrastructure Project Manager

Aeven A/S

We are looking for an experienced project manager to manage IT infrastructure projects for our new and existing customers.
If you’re looking for a versatile and challenging role with a high level of responsibility and independency, then this is a perfect opportunity for you.

Your responsibilities as a project manager
You will play a vital role in the project management team, and through your appearance and influence you will contribute to motivating and developing the project participants and the organization.

You will:

  • Contribute with project management expertise in the sales phase
  • Plan and execute on all levels: overall, milestone and detailed planning
  • Establish project scope and overview, create structure, and define and manage risk and issues
  • Manage stakeholders: communicate and report on all relevant levels at the customer and internally at Aeven including in the steering committees
  • Ensure a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Ensure projects are delivered according to the business cases, including invoicing
  • Run the projects according to Aeven’s project models
  • Contribute to the development of the project management discipline and community in Aeven.

The team
You will be a part of the project organization hiring approximately 60 managers, where we emphasize teamwork and an open and honest communication approach.

We encourage all project managers to provide and get sparring within the project management community and we try our best to create a good work environment with social activities.

We support you in your career development ambitions and you will receive ongoing offers on competency development fitted to our joint goals and ambitions.

Your qualifications and experience
You have an interest in the IT outsourcing business and have a natural strive to understand the customers’ value and deliver to customer’s satisfaction.

You have:

  • Master’s degree and 5+ years of project management experience within IT infrastructure projects
  • Strong planning and forecasting, risk management, budgeting, tracking and monitoring skills
  • Knowledge and experience with different project management methodologies
  • Experience with meetings facilitation
  • Advanced expertise in 1, or more, of IT infrastructure areas: Cloud, Networks, SAP, Transitions and others
  • Advanced project management toolbox: MSP, JIRA and others
  • Very good communication and leadership skills
  • Experience with conflict management
  • Adaptability that makes you a true team player
  • A talent to influence others.

You have minimum a bachelor’s degree and you are fluent in Danish and English, written and oral.

Please submit your application and CV in English.

We are looking for an experienced project manager to manage IT infrastructure projects for our new and existing customers.
If you’re looking for a versatile and challenging role with a high level of responsibility and independency, then this is a perfect opportunity for you.

Your responsibilities as a project manager
You will play a vital role in the project management team, and through your appearance and influence you will contribute to motivating and developing the project participants and the organization.

You will:

  • Contribute with project management expertise in the sales phase
  • Plan and execute on all levels: overall, milestone and detailed planning
  • Establish project scope and overview, create structure, and define and manage risk and issues
  • Manage stakeholders: communicate and report on all relevant levels at the customer and internally at Aeven including in the steering committees
  • Ensure a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Ensure projects are delivered according to the business cases, including invoicing
  • Run the projects according to Aeven’s project models
  • Contribute to the development of the project management discipline and community in Aeven.

The team
You will be a part of the project organization hiring approximately 60 managers, where we emphasize teamwork and an open and honest communication approach.

We encourage all project managers to provide and get sparring within the project management community and we try our best to create a good work environment with social activities.

We support you in your career development ambitions and you will receive ongoing offers on competency development fitted to our joint goals and ambitions.

Your qualifications and experience
You have an interest in the IT outsourcing business and have a natural strive to understand the customers’ value and deliver to customer’s satisfaction.

You have:

  • Master’s degree and 5+ years of project management experience within IT infrastructure projects
  • Strong planning and forecasting, risk management, budgeting, tracking and monitoring skills
  • Knowledge and experience with different project management methodologies
  • Experience with meetings facilitation
  • Advanced expertise in 1, or more, of IT infrastructure areas: Cloud, Networks, SAP, Transitions and others
  • Advanced project management toolbox: MSP, JIRA and others
  • Very good communication and leadership skills
  • Experience with conflict management
  • Adaptability that makes you a true team player
  • A talent to influence others.

You have minimum a bachelor’s degree and you are fluent in Danish and English, written and oral.

Please submit your application and CV in English.

Department: Østmarken 3a, Søborg

Lokation: Copenhagen

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Aeven A/S

Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

Our story began serving the life sciences industry nearly three decades ago. Since then, we’ve worked hard to expand our business by working with a broad range of Danish companies that do business at a global scale in industries that are subject to strict laws and regulations, financial controls, and extremely high service level requirements.

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