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Experienced Data Engineer, Telia


Do you want to create one of Telia's most central focus areas? We're on a change journey, looking for a Data Engineer for our analytics team. We have an important mission in supplying data to BI, AI, Network & MarTech solutions.

Is this your next opportunity?
You will join an environment with other skilled data engineers. We are a team with a culture of collaboration, learning and personal development. We trust each other fully and work with a lot of freedom in a cooperative environment. We are passionate about data, and we are a key part of Telia's journey towards being more data driven. Your main task will be to write the code and develop the pipelines which make data accessible on our platforms to meet the needs of our business. Our goal is to build a cutting-edge innovative platform using modern technology that will satisfy the business's increasing need for fast and good insights.

We have come a long way in the process of becoming less dependent on vendors by moving to a code-based solution. We are currently using several different technologies in AWS, but the backbone of our data warehouse is Snowflake. Our legacy is to use Dataiku for ETL/ELT. But the solution we are now building is around GitHub, Airflow, dbt and most importantly code. When we write code, it is mostly done in SQL and Python.

You will participate in the process of building our code-based solution and migrating jobs from our existing ETL tool. That means you should have an interest in understanding business needs, writing clean and efficient code which transforms data from different types of sources, and delivering user-friendly data products. We work in agile teams, and we are looking for you who want to make an impact, who is a confident specialist and who enjoys sharing your professional experience with a group of cooperative peers.

- Be part of our group of Data Engineers

- Create solutions that are scalable, scalable to maintain and architecturally good

A bit about you and your background
You have a background working as a data engineer and worked in agile teams that develop using a programmatic approach. We see you also contributing to the team as a positive and friendly colleague. You have an investigative and structured mindset with a good sense for problem solving. You will be part of an exciting environment, and you manage to adopt quickly to changes in organization, priorities, technology and working environment.

- Curious and exploratory empathic team player

- Experience with SQL and Python

- Experience as either Software Engineer or Data Engineer

- Ability to automate and maintain data transformation pipelines.

- Experience with Airflow and dbt is a big bonus

- Knowledge of data modeling.

- Ability to write clean, well-documented code

If you fancy joining our team, don’t hesitate to apply! If you want to know more about the job you are welcome to contact me, Søren Meincke Persson, Head of Data Engineering Denmark, at [email protected] or LinkedIn.

We look forward to receiving your application and to make sure that your personal data is kept safely, we kindly ask you to apply through our recruitment system. Selection will take place on an ongoing basis and this position might be filled before the application deadline.

Deadline: 6th of October

Telia Mobil Danmark A/S is part of Norlys - Denmark’s largest integrated energy and telecommunications group. We are owned by more than 800,000 shareholders and provide energy, charging stations, TV, internet, and mobile telephony to the Danes. 4,600 employees in Silkeborg, Aarhus, Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen are working for a green and digital Denmark.

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Holmbladsgade 139, 2300 København

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