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2024-224-06049 Postdoc in frost protection of fruit crops in a changing climate

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

2024-224-06049 Postdoc in frost protection of fruit crops in a changing climate

At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a Postdoc position focused on reducing spring frost injuries in fruit crops is open for appointment from 1st of January 2025 or soon hereafter. The position is for 20 months.

Freeze injury is a main limiting factor in horticultural crop production in temperate regions. In particular, spring frost is a significant production hazard and despite global warming, the risk of spring frost damage to fruit crops is forecasted to increase. This postdoc position is part of a project focusing on developing solutions for improved spring frost protection of buds and flowers in fruit orchards. The project has three main objectives;(i) to evaluate new frost protection tools that are more efficient and sustainable than the existing methods,(ii) examine the use of microclimatic temperature sensors for better risk prediction, and(iii) provide better indicators of bud freeze resistance for more precise warning. The postdoc will mostly be working on obtaining improved indicators of bud freeze resistance. This involves collecting plant material in the field, recording phenological development, measure freeze tolerance of buds and flowers of selected fruit crops and investigate underlying physiological and metabolic changes such as changes in soluble carbohydrates, fatty acids and water status that may be bio-signatures of changes in bud freeze resistance. The project is carried out in collaboration with Aarhus University, HortiAdvice and commercial fruit growers and some of the experimental work will be carried out in an experimental fruit orchard at Aarhus University. For further information about the project please contact Associate Professor Majken Pagter by e-mail: [email protected]

The Department of Chemistry and Bioscience provides cutting-edge research and teaching in biotechnology, biology, environmental science, chemistry and chemical engineering. Our research solves important topics for the benefit of society, and through research-based teaching, we educate independent, collaborative and solution-oriented bachelors, graduates and PhDs.

At the department, we have high-profile research groups and individual researchers who deliver world-class applied and basic scientific research with a mission-driven approach, and who contribute to the development of new technologies, methods, and new basic insights within natural science and engineering.

We are a dynamic workplace with high professionalism and efficiency, a good working environment and with a focus on work-life balance. We strive for a culture with collaboration that promotes openness and curiosity towards new initiatives and ideas and with a constructive approach to problem solving. As an employee at the department, you will be part of an international research environment, with a focus on innovation, knowledge sharing and excellency as well as interdisciplinary collaborations.

Qualification requirements:

Appointment as Postdoc presupposes scientific qualifications at PhD–level or similar scientific qualifications. It is a significant advantage if the applicant has experience in the field of Plant Sciences(e.g., plant physiology, horticulture, agronomy, botany, plant breeding, ecology) with a documented track-record related to these competencies. Experience with temperature tolerance assays, plant physiological methods, or metabolic analysis in plants are considered a great advantage. A valid driving license is needed to do field sampling.

The research potential of each applicant will be emphasized in the overall assessment. Appointment as a Postdoc cannot exceed a period of four years in total at Aalborg University.

The application must contain the following:

  • A motivated text wherein the reasons for applying, qualifications in relation to the position, and intentions and visions for the position are stated.
  • A current curriculum vitae.
  • Copies of relevant diplomas(Master of Science and PhD). On request you could be asked for an official English translation.
  • Scientific qualifications. A complete list of publications must be attached with an indication of the works the applicant wishes to be considered. You may attach up to 5 publications.
  • Dissemination qualifications, including participation on committees or boards, participation in organisations and the like.
  • Additional qualifications in relation to the position. References/recommendations.
  • Personal data.

The applications are only to be submitted online by using the"Apply online" button below.

Shortlisting will be applied. After the review of any objections regarding the assessment committee, the head of department, with assistance from the chair of the assessment committee, selects the candidates to be assessed. All applicants will be informed as to whether they will advance to assessment or not.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

For further information concerning the application procedure please contact HR by mail [email protected]. Information regarding guidelines, ministerial circular in force and procedures can be seenhere.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
Employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministry of Finance's current Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Employment and salary are in accordance with the collective agreement for state-employed academics.


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Department of Chemistry and Bioscience

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Application deadline 20 October 2024
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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

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