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Network Line Manager

Aeven A/S

Aeven Network services consists of 150+ resources in Denmark, Czech and Philippines, and our primary focus is to give expert advisory on network solutions and help build and operate the same for our customers all around the world.

We are developing and operating existing and new solutions within Network Security, Core and Enterprise. Our customers are within the Life Science industry, Finance, Private & Public.

We are looking for an experienced line manager to lead a dedicated team in our Network operation in Budapest, HU. This job requires partly physical presence in our HU office.
You will be responsible for a team of passionate and highly skilled network specialists with a consulting mindset, who every day handle exciting projects/operations and assignments within various Network Solutions. We transform customer’s IT landscape by combining our expertise with winning technical solutions.
As part of the management team, you will cooperate with colleagues from other Aeven offices in Denmark, Czech Republic and the Philippines, so global experience is a must.

Your business responsibilities:

  • Ensure the right team at any time
  • Build and maintain customer relationships on senior level
  • Your customer interaction will revolve around service delivery, project delivery and escalations.
  • Business Management, Customer Satisfaction, Profit / Loss accountability, Contract Fulfilment – SLAs and Projects

Your leadership responsibilities:

  • Daily leadership of dedicated Network Team with many different skills
  • Help team members develop their skills, recognize high performance and provide feedback
  • Listen to your team members’ feedback and lead by example in all activities
  • Delegate tasks and set deadlines
  • Motivate team members, monitor team performance and report on metrics
  • Roll out and manage required processes (performance management, compensation, continues feedback, retention, career development etc.)
  • Ensure good cooperation with your counterparts in other Aeven offices
  • Ensure good cooperation with other service lines and customer teams

Your qualifications and experience:

  • Good understanding of Network as a service
  • Preferably with a network background
  • Proven team leadership in a diverse and global IT environment
  • Ability to effectively lead senior teams
  • Experience in employee development and target setting
  • Experience in IT outsourcing, relationship & contract management
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Strong interpersonal and time-management skills
  • Extensive management experience in multiple areas of business
  • Extraordinary expertise across functions or areas of business

Department: Østmarken 3a, Søborg

Lokation: Hungary

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Aeven A/S

Østmarken 3A, 2860 Søborg

Our story began serving the life sciences industry nearly three decades ago. Since then, we’ve worked hard to expand our business by working with a broad range of Danish companies that do business at a global scale in industries that are subject to strict laws and regulations, financial controls, and extremely high service level requirements.

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