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Professor In Sustainable Architecture (2025-224-06244)

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Professor In Sustainable Architecture (2025-224-06244)

At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology a position as Professor in Sustainable Architecture is open for appointment from August 1st, 2025, or soon hereafter. By the professorship, Aalborg University wants to develop its position within sustainable architecture and building design research. The research field of architecture at Aalborg University is a cross-disciplinary research environment that works integrated with the interrelation of structural, technical, functional and aesthetical elements of architecture. Thus, the research environment accentuates the close relationship between architecture and engineering with the overall purpose of strengthening the quality of the built environment along with the quality of human life. The cross-disciplinary approach is a cornerstone in research, education and practice and aims to fully integrate engineering and architectural approaches. To see more, please visit:; create-integrated-architecture; Brain, Body, Architecture Research (BBAR)

Applicant profile
We are looking for a profile that has the right skillset to help grow and develop the architectural research environment and the applicant is an experienced researcher with a relevant background in architecture who has published within the field of architecture and in particular within the field of sustainable architecture and building design. Research themes could include, but are not limited to: Ecology, Sustainability, Circular Design, Integrated Design Process, Health& Architecture, Biophilia, Greenery, Biodiversity, Natural Materials, Tectonics, and Structural Design.

The applicant must have a strong theoretical and methodological foundation within architecture and have relevant experience within the field of sustainable and environmental architecture. Emphasis is on a profile with a holistic and integrated multidisciplinary approach to architecture, including being able to use research-based knowledge in teaching, research and knowledge dissemination. Further, it is expected that the applicant is part of international research networks and has experience with writing, fundraising and managing research projects.

Job description
The applicant will be part of an ambitious research and teaching environment and it is expected that the candidate will be a leading figure in the further development of the section of Architecture and Urban Design- and in particular in the continuous building up of the sustainable architecture research field at the department. Thus, we expect that the applicant will actively participate in the daily life at the department and actively contribute to the knowledge production through publications, externally funded research projects, networking etc. Finally, the position will contain teaching obligations in relation to teaching programs related to the architecture study program.

You may obtain further professional information from Section Leader Lea Holst Laursen by telephone: 99407174 and

Qualification requirements:
The successful applicant can demonstrate a documented high level of original scientific production at an international level, including proven further development of the research area in question. An assessment of the candidate’s undertaking of research management and/or other possible management functions will also be taken into account. In addition the applicant is expected to have the qualifications required for undertaking teaching responsibilities. Special contributions to and development of educational and teaching related areas will be considered in the overall assessment.

Your main tasks will consist of:

  • Research of highest international quality, including publication in top international journals and communicating your research in national and international academic networks.
  • Teaching and supervision of bachelor’s and master’s degree students.
  • To contribute to the funding of your own research group with the help of external research funding.
  • Supervision of PhD students and contributing to the development of the faculty's PhD courses.
  • Involvement in assessment and committee work at Aalborg University.
  • Research-based collaboration with private and public-sector stakeholders as well as research-based consultancy.
  • Dissemination of your research to the outside world.

You will report to the Head of Department Lone Malmborg.

Your competences
You have an excellent track record in Sustainable Architecture research and have established yourself with an excellent research profile with one or more stays or employments with internationally recognized research institutions. You possess documented solid research and teaching qualifications at highest international level, as well as you have significant experience with academic leadership tasks in a research group or research consortium. You have broad international cooperative partnerships and great experience of research partnerships with private and public-sector organizations. You also have a documented ability to attract significant competitive research funding from national and international funding bodies. It is an advantage if you have stayed or been employed at one or more internationally recognized research institutions.If necessary, supplement with specific expectations for the position.
As a person, you are a helpful and motivational leader who inspires other researchers and builds trusting relationships with students, colleagues and partners. As a lecturer you communicate the newest and relevant knowledge in a committed, clear and comprehensible manner. As a supervisor you are competent, inspiring, supportive and responsible.
You are ready to take co-responsibility for the development of the department's research and education at the highest international level and for ensuring that we maintain a good work environment. You naturally involve yourself in interdisciplinary collaboration at departmental, faculty and university level as well as nationally and internationally.

We expect you to be able to write and speak English at the academic level. International applicants are expected to learn Danish, and Aalborg University arranges Danish teaching.

In order to be assessed qualified for an associate professor position, you must meetthese academic criteria.

Shortlisting will be used.

Questions about the position

If you have any questions about the position, please contactSection Leader Lea Holst Laursen by telephone: 99407174 and mail:

Your place of work will be theDepartment of of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Rendsburggade 14,9000 Aalborg, Denmark.

We expect to conduct interviewson 6th of May and on 16th of May 2025.

The application must contain the following:

A motivated text wherein the reasons for applying, qualifications in relation to the position, and intentions and visions for the position are stated.

Your curriculum vitae, including personal data, educational background, scientific qualifications, dissemination skills, participation in committees and boards, and additional qualifications relevant for the position.
Copies of relevant diplomas(Master of Science and PhD- both in English).

  • Scientific qualifications. A complete list of publications must be attached with an indication of the works the applicant wishes to be Up to 10 publications may be included.
  • Teaching qualifications described in ateaching portfolio. If this is not enclosed the applicant must include an explanation for its absence.
  • Dissemination qualifications, including participation on committees or boards, participation in organizations and the Additional qualifications in relation to the position.
  • References/recommendations.
  • Personal data

Applications must be submitted online by using the"Apply online" button below.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

The hiring process at Aalborg University may include a risk assessment as a tool to identify potential risks associated with new hires, ensuring the safety, compliance, and integrity of the workplace.

For further information concerning the application procedure please contact Human Resources on mail

Information regarding guidelines, ministerial circular in force, teaching portfolio and procedures can be seenhere.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
The employment is in accordance with the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities(the Appointment Order) and the Ministerial Order on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities. Salary and terms of employment are in accordance with the collective agreement between the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the state(AC collective agreement)(only in Danish) and circular concerning protocol on certain terms of employment of academic staff at universities(only in Danish).


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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

Main office: Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, 9100 Aalborg

AAU’s uddannelser og forskning er problem- og projektbaseret og har fokus på det tværdisciplinære. Gennem samarbejde mellem forskere, studerende og offentlige og private virksomheder udbyder vi virkelighedsnære uddannelser og skaber forskningsresultater i verdensklasse. På AAU tror vi på, at viden kan og skal forandre verden. Derfor er AAU et universitet med ambitioner, der rækker langt udenfor murene og ind i kernen af de mest presserende globale og lokale brændpunkter.

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