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One or more PhD Stipends in 6G wireless communication systems: intelligence, satellites, and sensing

Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

One or more PhD Stipends in 6G wireless communication systems: intelligence, satellites, and sensing

At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, one or more PhD stipends in 6G wireless communication systems: intelligence, satellites, and sensing are available within the general study programme Wireless Communications. The stipends are open for appointment from July 1, 2025, or soon as possible thereafter. In electronic engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and societal impact. The Department of Electronic Systems employs more than 200 people, of which about 90 are PhD students, and about 40 % of all employees are internationals. In total, it has more than 600 students in its BSc and MSc programs, which are based on AAU's problem-based learning model. The department leverages its unique research infrastructure and lab facilities to conduct world-leading fundamental and applied research within communication, networks, control systems, AI, sound, cyber security, and robotics. The department plays an active role in transferring inventions and results into applications in close collaboration with industrial partners worldwide. You can read more about the department at

The applications and communication scenarios in 6G will be challenging due to stringent requirements in terms of latency, reliability, privacy, and efficiency. Furthermore, 6G networks are envisioned to integrate a wide range of user terminals and network elements, which vary from small devices with limited capabilities to terrestrial base stations and even low Earth orbit(LEO) satellites, creating a diverse and dynamic 3D environment. Within the general area of 6G we are opening one or more PhD positions along the following research lines.

Research line 1:"Networks for privacy-aware data acquisition and reliable machine learning approaches in 6G" focuses on the development of a new communication model, with supporting theory and protocols, to provide guarantees in reliable and timely prediction in 6G networks. The project has two main aims. First, to contribute to the adoption of ML-driven applications through collective intelligence using massively distributed"high-quality" private data; however, without violating data privacy.

Second, to utilize the dense connectivity and computing infrastructure offered in 6G to guide for accurate and reliable decision-making. This study project will be conducted in collaboration with researchers from the Network intelligence, Wireless, and Security laboratory at Virginia Tech(NEWS@VT), led by Prof. Walid Saad, in Blacksburg, VA, USA.

Research line 2:"Digital twinning for 3D network optimization" focuses on developing distributed digital twin architectures and mechanisms for distributed network optimization. This project aims to contribute to a flexible architecture based on O-RAN that leverages digital twins the on-the-fly adaptation of large-scale 3D networks with LEO satellites as core network components.

This study project will be conducted in collaboration with researchers from the North Eastern University, Boston, USA, and Keysight, Denmark.

Research line 3:"Energy-efficient Sensing and Computing in 6G networks" is dedicated to the interplay of data collection/sensing, communication, and computing according to the requirements for learning or inference by various AI modules deployed in the devices and the network. This line of work will investigate the fundamental tradeoffs among latency, accuracy, and energy efficiency.

Prospective applicants should have the following qualifications.

  • M.Sc. degree in wireless communications, communications engineering, computer engineering or similar,
  • solid mathematical and analytical skills;
  • experience in programming, e.g., in C++, Python or Matlab(experience with programming of sofware defined radios and/or off-the-shelf communication modules is a plus);
  • knowledge of the fundamentals of ML/AI algorithms and their implementation
  • a creative mindset and curiosity to research and develop new solutions with highly skilled colleagues.

Applicants are required to submit, along with their application documents, a one-page statement of the planned research to be conducted in relation to one of the researchtopics outlined above.

The successful candidate will be hosted by the Connectivity group, which works onnovel concepts for communication and networking in wireless systems. This includes e.g., emerging 6G technologies, but also more general problems in communication theory. The group's research activities are organized in focused subgroups covering topics such as the interplay between AI/ML learning/inference and communications; low-latency and time-constrained communication; satellite and non-terrestrial networking; experimental works on open-radio access network(O-RAN); and quantum communications.

The group features a dynamic and international working atmosphere and is located in Aalborg, an emerging peaceful city in the northern part of Denmark that tops quality-of-life charts. The successful candidate will enjoy a world-class research environment, excellent working and networking conditions, and full employment benefits accompanied by a competitive salary.

You may obtain further information from Prof. Petar Popovski, Department of Electronic Systems,, concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend.

PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Master's degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of August 27, 2013 on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed at regular points in time.

The assessment of candidates for the position will be carried out by qualified experts.
Shortlisting will be applied. This means that after the application deadline, the head of the department, with the assistance of the hiring committee, will select the applicants to be assessed. All applicants will be informed whether they have been shortlisted for assessment or not.
When the hiring process is completed, a final rejection will be sent to the applicants who are not considered for the position.

For further information about stipends and salary as well as practical issues concerning the application procedure contact Ms. Lisbeth Diinhoff, The Doctoral School at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design,, phone:+45 9940 9589.

For more information of The Technical Doctoral School of IT and

The application is only to be submitted online by using the"Apply online" button below.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

The hiring process at Aalborg University may include a risk assessment as a tool to identify potential risks associated with new hires, ensuring the safety, compliance, and integrity of the workplace.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår
Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of 15 December 2021 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the current Circular of 11 December 2019 on the employment structure at Danish universities.


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Department of Electronic Systems

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Application deadline 13 April 2025
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Aalborg Universitet (AAU)

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