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Computational Postdoctoral Position on Full-Length RNA Sequencing

Region Hovedstaden

The Nielsen Group at the Center for Physical Activity Research (CFAS), Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen seeks a passionate Postdoctoral Fellow with a robust background in computational biology and expertise in RNA sequencing technologies, particularly long read sequencing using the Oxford Nanopore and PACBIO systems. The selected candidate will play a role in advancing our understanding of RNA modifications and the dynamic shifts in splice variants in response to altered metabolic states. Read more about our group and CFAS at www.nielsen-RNAgroup.com.

Research Focus:
The Nielsen Group has long-standing experience in coding and non-coding RNA and our work spans clinical, molecular, and computational disciplines. The primary focus of the available position involves creating workflows for Oxford Nanopore and PACBIO sequencing technologies to explore novel transcripts, splice variants, and using machine learning models to detect RNA modifications. You will be part of a research team with diverse skills that will complement your computational expertise in the studies of how these elements influence cellular processes in human adipocytes under various metabolic conditions. Your research will contribute to groundbreaking findings in RNA biology, with significant implications for metabolic health strategies.


  • PhD in Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or a related field.
  • Proven experience with RNA sequencing technologies. Experience with Oxford Nanopore and PACBIO is an advantage, but not a requirement.
  • Strong computational skills (R & RMarkdown, Python, bash, git), including proficiency in data analysis and bioinformatics tools.
  • Experience with Linux systems and the use of high-performance computing environments.
  • Experience with conda and workflow languages (snakemake) is an advantage.
  • Demonstrable track record of peer-reviewed publications in relevant fields.
  • Excellent problem-solving abilities and a commitment to collaborative research.

What We Offer:

  • A dynamic, translational research environment with access to state-of-the-art facilities and technologies.
  • A highly interdisciplinary and collaborative atmosphere within a group that values innovation and precision in research.
  • A fully funded two-year postdoctoral fellowship, with potential for extension, including pension.
  • Opportunities for professional development and networking within an international setting.

About the workplace:
CFAS is dedicated to advancing physical exercise as a treatment for chronic diseases. As a translational research institution, CFAS bridges the gap between human in vivo studies and in vitro models, striving to translate scientific insights into practical healthcare solutions https://www.aktivsundhed.dk.

Salary and terms of employment:
The successful candidate will be employed as postdoctoral fellow at Rigshospitalet, Region Hovedstaden (Capital Region of Denmark). Based on background education and seniority, your salary, pension, and terms of employment will be settled in accordance with the existing agreement between the Danish Regions (Danske Regioner) and the relevant professional organization. No salary negotiation can be expected beyond these terms.

Application Details:
Candidates should submit an application package in English, comprising a detailed cover letter outlining research interests and experience, a CV (max 2 pages), a publication list, proof of relevant education, and contact details for 1-3 references. Please include your ORCID ID in your CV.

Application Deadline: Monday, July 1st, 2024.

Contact Information:
For more details about the postdoc position, please reach out to Group Leader Søren Nielsen at [email protected]. For inquiries related to the application process, please contact CFAS Head of Administration Inge Holm at [email protected].

Blegdamsvej 9, København Ø

Lokation: Rigshospitalet - Blegdamsvej

Application deadline: 01 Jul 2024

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Region Hovedstaden

Kongens Vænge 2, 3400 Hillerød

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