IT Project Managers Project Management · Aarhus
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Er du vores nye projektleder?
Vi har travlt i Novicell og får flere spændende projekter ind ad døren. Derfor søger vi flere Project Managers til forskellige afdelinger, som i tæt samarbejde med kollegaerne i afdelingen sikrer planlægning og styring af implementeringsprojekter fra start til slut.
Du kommer til at arbejde med projekter, hvor det er vigtigt, at du kan se projektet både fra kommercielt og teknologisk perspektiv - og bevare overblikket uden at miste fokus på de vigtige detaljer.
Dine kommende arbejdsopgaver
- Du bidrager til vores overordnede forventningsafstemning og ramme er på plads med kunderne, herunder forståelse af hvad der driver business casen, scope og projekt design.
- Du kommer for alvor på banen, når vi efter indledningsvise rådgivningsforløb, skal scope konkrete projekter for nye eller eksisterende kunder.
- I scoping forløbet får du bragt de bedste kompetencer frem i vores team på projektet, i tæt samspil med tilsvarende hos vores kunde, og i overensstemmelse med overordnede ramme.
- Herefter tager du ansvar for at gennemføre eksekveringen af projektet og er garant for at projektet gennemføres indenfor aftalt tid, økonomi og kvalitet, i overensstemmelse med den leverancemetode, der er aftalt med kunden.
- Du tager aktiv rolle ift. kundens projektsponsor og product owner – uanset om det er daglig dialog eller i projektets styringsfora.
- Efter afsluttet projekt er du også kundens indgang for videreudviklingstiltag.
Faglige kompetencer
Som Project Manager ser vi gerne at:
- Du har 3-5 års relevant erfaring som projektleder - gerne indenfor implementering af kommercielt rettede teknologiløsninger til at drive onlinehandel, fx eCOM, PIM, CMS, CRM, CDP, CPQ, samt web- og app teknologier, der er tættest på vores kunders kunder.
- Du er velbevandret i agile processer, og vi ser det som et plus, at du er certificeret indenfor området.
- Du har domæneviden indenfor digitalisering af grossist- eller produktionsvirksomheder, og er nysgerrig på økosystemet indenfor B2C og B2B e-handels platforme.
- Du trives i konsulentvirksomhed, hvor du ved hvordan vi som virksomhed kan gøre en forskel for vores kunder.
- Du er stærk metodisk, og kan omsætte business cases i styrbare projektplaner.
- Du har også en stærk værktøjskasse, som kan doseres ift. rette balance mellem styrings- og kommunikationsbehov og administration, f.x Excel, Powerpoint og Atlassian tools (Jira, Confluence, Big Picture mv.)
Personlige kompetencer
- Du er empatisk, har gode people skills og god intuition for, hvordan du bedst kan påvirke og hjælpe andre
- Du er struktureret, tænker i sammenhænge og skaber overblik
- Du er nysgerrig og har en analytisk tilgang til problemløsning
- Du er resultatorienteret ift. at balancere kvalitet, økonomi og timing af leverancer
- Du forstår vigtigheden i god kommunikation, både skriftligt og mundtligt
En flink og flittig arbejdsplads
Hos Novicell er vi flinke og flittige. Det betyder vi behandler hinanden og vores omgivelser ordentligt, uden at gå på kompromis med at levere høj kvalitet til vores kunder. Vi har erstattet lange medarbejderhåndbøger og regler med dialog og ansvar, og så skal det være sjovt at gå på arbejde! Det er nok den holdning, der skinner mest igennem, når du træder ind ad døren hos Novicell. Ellers nytter det ikke at bruge så mange vågne timer sammen, vel? Derfor tilbyder vi:
- En uhøjtidelig organisation med store personlige frihedsgrader
- Et kreativt og inspirerende miljø med mulighed for at præge virksomhedens udvikling
- En stærk social kultur med mange aktiviteter og events
- Branchens flinke og flittigste kollegaer
Vi er meget bevidste om, at vi også har et liv ”ved siden af jobbet”. Man får ikke ekstra points på kontoen for at være sidste mand/kvinde på kontoret hver dag. Vi opfordrer hellere til at pakke sammen kl. 16.00 og lave noget andet end at arbejde – derhjemme eller sammen med gode kollegaer.
Praktisk information
- Vi behandler ansøgninger løbende, og lukker rekrutteringsprocessen, når den rette kandidat er fundet.
- Du er velkommen til at sende din ansøgning på både dansk eller engelsk - det har ingen betydning for vores vurdering af din profil eller dine faglige kompetencer.
Are you our new Project Manager?
At Novicell we implement commerce solutions for B2B companies looking to increase their online sales. It is essential for us to be a close collaboration partner to our customers throughout the entire customer journey.
We have several exciting projects in the pipeline, so we are looking to expand our team! We are looking for project managers to ensure the planning and management of implementation projects from start to finish - always in close collaboration with skilled colleagues across the organization.
As a project manager at Novicell it is important to understand the project from both a commercial and technical perspective while also maintaining an overall view of the project and an eye for detail.
Get a chance to work at a 'flink' and 'flittig' workplace
Work amongst innovative and inspiring colleagues in a challenging work environment, in which your contribution is highly valued. Here at Novicell we have replaced extensive employee handbooks and ancient rules with dialogue, responsibility, and trust. We encourage social interaction to create an even better work environment and it is our shared opinion that work must be enjoyable! We strive to have fun while delivering the best results possible - why else devote so many waking hours together?
Novicell's motto is ‘flink" and "flittig" which is Danish for "kind" and "diligent". This means we treat each other well while providing the best possible service to our clients. More specifically this means we offer:
- An informal organization with a large degree of freedom and flexibility
- A creative and inspiring environment with the chance to influence the organization's development
- A strong social culture with many activities and events
- The industry's most "flinke" and "flittige" colleagues
Here at Novicell, you do not get extra points for being the last person at the office every day. We respect the difference between ‘’work time’’ and ‘’free time’’, therefore we encourage you to pack up at the end of the day, go home and do something else than working.
Your most important responsibilities
In close collaboration with the customer, one of your primary tasks is to accurately document the deliverables of the project and then manage the project so that they are produced according to the agreed-on criteria.
Your responsibilities also include:
- You play a vital role in scoping projects for new and existing clients. This is of course done in collaboration with the customer and other skilled employees within Novicell.
- It is your responsibility to execute the project within the agreed time and budget. The quality must be top notch and in accordance with the delivery method agreed with the customer.
- You must oversee the implementation of the solution and adjust to meet any complications. This means you must have great communication and negotiation skills, as you may need to educate stakeholders about the project impacts of some requirements.
- You take an active part in the relationship with the customer's project sponsor and product owner.
- In addition to being responsible for completing the project, you are also the customer's point of entry for future development initiatives
We expect
- You have experience in implementing commerce-oriented technological solutions.
- You have experience with e-commerce, e.g., eCOM, PIM, CMS, CRM, CDP, CPQ, as well as web and app technologies. This is an advantage, not a requirement.
- It is of interest to you to better understand the ecosystem within B2B e-commerce platforms, eProcurement services, and EDI.
- The fact that you are certified in agile processes is a plus for us.
- You know of Agile methodologies, and we see it as a plus if you are certified in the field.
- You thrive in consulting, and you understand how we, as a company, can make a difference for our customers.
- Your methodological skills enable you to convert business cases into manageable project plans.
- Your are able to manage both management and communication tasks as well as more administrative tasks in, e.g., Excel, PowerPoint and Atlassian tools such as Jira, Confluence, Big Picture etc.
- You are fluent in spoken and written English, and you understand the importance of good communication skills.
Personal skills
- You are empathic, have good people skills, and know how to influence and assist others.
- It is evident that you have a strong drive and are not afraid to venture into unknown territory.
- You can make independent decisions.
- Your approach to problem-solving is analytical.
- You are results-oriented in balancing quality, budget, and deadlines.
- You communicate effectively in both English and Danish (spoken and written)
Practical information
We process applications on a continuous basis and close the job opening once the right candidate has been found.
You are welcome to submit your application and CV in Danish or English. This will have no impact on our assessment of your profile or your skills.
Read more about Novicell here
Project Management
Project Manager
Employment type
Contact Ane Nørgaard Projektchef – Web Development
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