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Protection Officer

Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Protection Officer

We Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the wish to return home. The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 1956 and has since grown to become an international humanitarian organization with more than 7,000 staff and 8,000 volunteers. Our vision is a dignified life for all displaced. All of our efforts are based on our value compass: humanity, respect, independence and neutrality, participation, and honesty and transparency.

The Psychosocial Support Officer, under the direct supervision of Protection Team Leader in Kandahar, is primarily responsible for providing psychosocial counselling to the project beneficiaries and targeted communities, case management, referrals and follow-up, awareness raising, liaising with government and other key stakeholders, and conducting trainings.


  • Provide individual and group psychosocial counselling to the project beneficiaries in Kandahar/Zabul targeted communities.
  • Ensure professional psychological assessment and support for all beneficiary cases, and closely monitor and document the psychological recovery cases.
  • Produce and maintain accurate records of the beneficiaries cases, keep all case documents locked/protected and confidential.
  • Provide referral of beneficiaries for additional assistance, as needed, to internal and external service providers;
  • Conduct psychosocial information awareness raising sessions in the targeted communities;
  • Engage men and women of the community in discussions around women’s rights and gender-based violence.
  • Identify problems with GBV and access to services and provide recommendation to mitigate them;
  • Set up a monitoring system to evaluate the effectiveness and the impact of the planned individual and group psychological support on the beneficiaries.
  • Support/give training to DRC-DDG staff on how to identify signs of possible abuse affecting the beneficiaries at the center and encountered through outreach and awareness raising activities
  • Support/give training to other local actors and community members on psychological first aid (PFA), identification and referral of persons in need of psychosocial support, including principles of working with children and survivors.
  • Provide support in needs assessment surveys for future protection programming;
  • Submit weekly progress reports of the activities to line manager;
  • Perform other relevant duties, as needed or requested.

To be successful in this role you must have:

Experience and technical competencies:

  • 3 years of work experience (with at least 2 years with an international organization) in psychological/psychosocial counseling, preferably with IDPs/refugees/returnees.
  • Demonstrated strong experience working with vulnerable clients, including survivors of SGBV and victims of child abuse.
  • Strong knowledge of child-friendly interviewing techniques and communicating with children.
  • Familiarity with IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings.
  • Understanding the psychosocial support needs of IDPs/refugees in Afghanistan.


  • University degree in Psychology or Social Work, and a valid certificate from the Ministry of Health certifying as professional psychosocial counsellor.
  • An understanding of the basic principles of humanitarian work, human rights, protection, and the needs of internally displaced persons and refugees in Afghanistan.
  • Interest in humanitarian work and human rights, ability and willingness to learn.
  • Ability to clearly express one’s thoughts, to analyze and present information clearly and concisely.
  • Ability to set priorities and show initiative, to work independently and as part of a team.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills.


  • Good knowledge of English, fluency in Pashto and good knowledge of Dari

Application process:
Interested? Then apply for this position by clicking the Apply link below. All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages), Both must be in the same language as this vacancy note. CV-only applications will not be considered.

Note: Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.

Department: Borgergade 10, 3.sal , København K

Location: Kandahar

Application deadline: 07 Oct 2024

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Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Borgergade 10, 1300 København K

Dansk Flygtningehjælp hjælper flygtninge og internt fordrevne overalt i verden: Vi giver akut nødhjælp, kæmper for deres rettigheder og styrker deres fremtidsmuligheder. Vi er til stede i konfliktområderne, langs flugtruterne og dér, hvor flygtningene bosætter sig. Vi samarbejder med de lokale samfund om ansvarlige og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi arbejder for en vellykket integration og – når det er muligt – for, at flygtninge og fordrevne kan få opfyldt ønsket om at vende hjem.

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