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Thesis Work for Identification of resonance frequency



Thesis Work for Identification of resonance frequency
Take your next career step at B&R – a member of the ABB Group – with a global team that is energizing the transformation of society and industry to achieve a more productive, sustainable future. At B&R – a member of the ABB Group, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences. Join the automation team at B&R- a member of the ABB Group.
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Maintenance Team Leader

Your role and responsibilities
The mechanical frequency spectrum of an ACOPOStrak shuttle shows resonance frequencies of the different components in motion, e.g., the shuttle, the product, the segments, and the guide-system. The resonance frequencies may change over time, e.g., before and after the processing of the product, and may be position-dependent, e.g., different stiffness of the guide-system in different areas of the assembly. In any case, if excited, these resonances yield to increased wear and/or spilling of the transported product. To prevent their excitation, map Trak supports filtering of the set position by either a jerk filter (moving average filter) or a zero-vibration filter (basically a notch-filter). As the filter time limits the dynamics of the system, it is crucial to tune the filter as accurate as possible. The parameters of the filters are currently determined based on simplified product models or dedicated experiments followed by offline-identification procedures. Task of the project is to implement a simple approach to identify the resonance frequencies of the system and thereby answer the following questions: • Is an online identification possible? • What is the minimum set of measurements required for identification? Is it possible to identify the resonance frequency based on pure PLC measurements? How does the results compare, if enriched by additional segment (FW) measurements? • Are the resonance frequencies position dependent? • Is an implementation in the PLC possible (User-Library)? Apart from the resonance frequencies, the approach may also serve to identify the product load and the damping(s) of the system. Details: • Jan-June • 30Hp • 1-2 students • Location not specified. • In collaboration with Headquarters in Austria but handled from Sweden.

Qualifications for the role

  • Engineering of Science; computer, robotics, mechanical, automation etc

More about us
ABB's Machine Automation Division, also known to our customers as B&R, is an innovative automation company headquartered in Austria with additional offices around the world. B&R became part of ABB's Robotics & Discrete Automation division in 2017 and, together with the ABB Robotics division, employs more than 11,000 people at over 100 locations in more than 53 countries. As a leading global provider of automation solutions, B&R develops, produces and sells industrial electronics, software solutions and mechatronic solutions as well as technologies for machine and factory automation. Since 2020, B&R's automation portfolio has also included Codian brand delta robots. With its innovative solutions, B&R sets new standards and consistently exceeds its customers' expectations. More information: Hanna Hermansson, [email protected], phone 070-2168862, will answer your questions. Positions are filled continuously. Apply with your CV, academic transcripts and a cover letter in English via ABB career page. We value people from different backgrounds. Could this be your story? Apply today or visit www.abb.com to read more about us and learn about the impact of our solutions across the globe. #MyABBStory #Li-onsite

Stockholm, Sweden

Göteborg, Sweden

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