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DRC Humanitarian Response Roster – New Candidate Database

DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

The DRC Humanitarian Response Roster (formerly known as the Standby Roster) is launching a new Candidate Database where individuals interested in joining the roster can register when the roster is not open for recruitment.

Please note: Registering in the Candidate Database does not mean you are a member of the DRC Humanitarian Response Roster. By registering, you are expressing interest in potential deployments and roster membership, but this registration does not automatically result in membership.

DRC will use this database to search for skilled humanitarian experts if we are unable to find a suitable candidate among our current roster members for a specific position. Additionally, candidates in the database will be notified when the roster opens for recruitment of new members.

Important: It is not mandatory to register in the database to be considered for future roster membership. DRC will continue to accept applications for roster membership once a year, as usual.

Requirements for registration in the new database:
Candidates registering in the database must meet the same criteria as those applying for roster membership, which include:

  • Minimum of 3 years of humanitarian experience within their specific technical field
  • 2-3 years of international humanitarian field experience
  • Proficiency in one (preferably two) official UN languages. English is mandatory, while French is considered a strong advantage
  • Knowledge and understanding of the complexities involved in refugee and IDP responses
  • Relevant educational background and preferably United Nations experience

DRC Humanitarian Response Roster

The DRC Humanitarian Response Roster aims to mobilise qualified and committed humanitarian experts for deployments to our UN partners. This enhances the capacity of UN organisations to deliver timely, effective, and accountable humanitarian responses to people affected by crises. For more information, please visit our website (DRC | DRC Standby Roster).

Registration Process:

Candidates should apply for the role via the Standby Roster’s internal recruitment site My Pages. Please register as ‘non-member’, do not attempt to login using existing DRC login details. If a candidate is already a member of another DRC Roster, then they must register using a different email address

When registering, candidates will be asked to select their technical profile and upload an updated CV or P11 form. Note: we only accept CVs/P11 forms in English. Please ensure your contact information is correct in case DRC needs to contact you.

To confirm your registration, please click "Submit" in the system.

DRC will retain your information in the database for three years. After that period, you will receive a message from DRC asking if you wish to keep your data in the system.

We foster an inclusive and diverse database of experts and encourage all qualified candidates to register. All candidates registered in the database will receive confirmation by email once the registration is completed.

If you have any questions, please contact the SBR team at [email protected].


Location: TBD

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DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

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