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Bioinformatician needed at Center for Clinical Data Science (CLINDA) - Region Nordjylland

Region Nordjylland

We are looking for a talented and motivated bioinformatician or data scientist with a strong drive to learn bioinformatics for our bioinformatics project portfolio at the Center for Clinical Data Science (CLINDA) at Aalborg University and Aalborg University Hospital. The position is open for one year from 1 March 2025 or soon hereafter. There will be good possibilities for an extension.

About Center for Clinical Data Science
CLINDA is a part of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and Research, Education, and Innovation, Aalborg University Hospital and works primarily with methodological development and application of bioinformatics, biostatistics, machine learning, and data management within clinical research. CLINDA is interdisciplinary and employs biostatisticians, bioinformaticians, software developers, and data managers who collaborate with molecular biologists and healthcare professionals throughout the Danish healthcare sector. CLINDA is comprised of three groups focusing on respectively Method Development, Clinical AI, and Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, for more information see clinda.aau.dk. The proposed position will be placed in the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics group headed by Associate Professor Rasmus Froberg Brøndum.

About the position
The aims of our bioinformatics project portfolio are two-fold. At CLINDA we are starting multiple projects investigating the impact of germline variants on both disease risk and treatment outcomes in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Here we use large national datasets of genetic variants combined with health registry data to discover genetic variants with an aim of developing predictive models for screening initiatives and prediction of treatment response.

Furthermore, we collaborate with the Departments of Haematology and Oncology at Aalborg University hospital, conducting bioinformatics analyses related to personalized medicine in cancer. Our work focuses particularly on the identification and biological understanding of DNA damage repair deficient tumours. These studies are done in selected groups of cancer patients, particularly lymphoma, leukaemia, and ovarian cancer, to optimise diagnostics, prognostics, and treatment decisions. To study this, we use a range of bioinformatical tools for analysis of data from various -omics techniques and cell line screens in combination with pre-clinical and clinical data.

The job will entail assistance with GWAS studies, annotating and interpreting tumour-genetic variants from DNA sequencing data, performing differential expression and pathway analysis of transcriptomic and proteomics data, analysing of sequencing data from global CRISPR screens, and extracting molecular, treatment, and clinical data from local and online accessible databases. Additionally, the position includes integrating these diverse datatypes into predictive models.

You will work in close collaboration with senior researchers from CLINDA as well as PhD students, from the Departments of Haematology, Oncology and Molecular diagnostics. You will be responsible for bioinformatical analyses but will also take part in the planning of studies, contribute to writing scientific papers, and acquiring funding.

We offer
We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an interdisciplinary environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterised by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility. We also prioritize developing individual skills and career paths. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to attend relevant courses and conferences and, if desired, pursue a PhD.

The research potential of each applicant will be emphasized in the overall assessment. For the position it is necessary to have:

  • MSc in bioinformatics, Data Science, Computer Science, Health Science Technology, or a closely related field
  • Programming experience in R or Python and use of command line tools
  • Experience with data management and analysis of large data sets
  • Motivation for interdisciplinary research
  • Excellent writing and communication skills in English with a good scientific vocabulary

Furthermore, the following qualifications will be advantageous for the position

  • Experience with healthcare data, in particular clinical bioinformatics
  • Prior experience working with omics and RNA-Seq data analysis

The application must contain

  • A motivated text stating the reasons for applying, qualifications in relation to the position, and intentions and visions for the position
  • A current curriculum vitae including any publications
  • Copies of relevant diplomas (MSc)
  • Scientific qualifications
  • Additional qualifications in relation to the position
  • References/recommendations
  • Personal data

Useful information
For further information regarding the position, please contact associate professor in bioinformatics and statistics, Rasmus Froberg Brøndum, tel.: +45 5192 3437, email: [email protected] or assistant professor Anne Krogh Nøhr, tel.: +45 4142 8148, email: [email protected].

We expect to conduct job interviews during week 4, 2025.

Om Region Nordjylland
Vi er ca. 15.000 meget forskellige medarbejdere, der hver dag leverer velfærd til omkring 590.000 nordjyder inden for sundhed, regional udvikling og det specialiserede socialområde. Vi opfordrer alle kvalificerede til at søge jobbet - uanset etnisk baggrund, køn, seksuel orientering, handicap, religion eller alder. Læs mere om os på www.rn.dk.

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