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IT/ Admin Assistant

DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

The Danish Refugee Council assists refugees and internally displaced persons across the globe: we provide emergency aid, fight for their rights, and strengthen their opportunity for a brighter future. We work in conflict-affected areas, along the displacement routes, and in the countries where refugees settle. In cooperation with local communities, we strive for responsible and sustainable solutions. We work toward successful integration and – whenever possible – for the fulfillment of the wish to return home. The Danish Refugee Council was founded in Denmark in 1956 and has since grown to become an international humanitarian organization with more than 7,000 staff and 8,000 volunteers. Our vision is a dignified life for all displaced. All our efforts are based on our value compass: humanity, respect, independence and neutrality, participation, and honesty and transparency.

The IT/Admin Assistant will be based in Area office Kabul- CAO and will primarily provide support to DRC area Office in Ghazni, The IT/ Admin Assistant will carry out the following tasks.


  • Set up, manage, and troubleshoot the organization’s computer network systems to ensure they are updated and running smoothly.
  • Inspect IT equipment regularly and fix any issues or damage.
  • Support DRC colleagues with IT-related problems.
  • Help the organization track and record all IT equipment, including consumable items.
  • Help DRC colleagues on how to operate network and other computer devices.
  • Ensure that the organization’s system, both hardware and software meet the standards and specifications for working with Microsoft dynamics and other DRC services.
  • Create and design various reports for IT departments.
  • Protect the network, database, and file storage from corruption or unauthorized access.
  • Manage internal and external communication systems. Provide reliable and consistent Internet and telecommunications access (including email, Worldwide Web, telephones, scanners, and printers).
  • Update and maintain all computers, Copier/printers, Routers, switches, internet cables, and wireless connectivity ensure peak performance.
  • Help with the procurement of all hardware, software, and IT support services.
  • Schedule and organize meetings, ensuring all participants are informed and provided with necessary details, such as time, location, and agenda.
  • Prepare meeting rooms by ensuring all equipment (e.g., projectors, conference phones) is functioning properly.
  • Coordinate and provide refreshments, catering and logistical requirements (stationaries) for meetings, ensuring dietary preferences and restrictions are considered.
  • Manage and monitor the mobile and internet bill limits for national staff, ensuring compliance with organizational policies.
  • Perform any other related activities assigned by the supervisor relevant to the capacity and role.

To be successful in this role you must have:

Experience and technical competencies:

  • 2 years’ relevant experience/ IT background will be preferred.


  • university degree in Computer Science


  • Understanding of spoken and written English
  • Knowledge of Dari/Pashtu is an added advantage.

We Offer:

  • Salary and conditions will be in accordance with DRC salary scale

Application process:
Interested? Then apply for this position, all applicants must send a letter of motivation and DRC Job Application form, you can access our job application form from the below link.


Location: Area Office Kabul

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DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp

Hovedkontor: Borgergade 10, 1300 København K

Dansk Flygtningehjælp hjælper flygtninge og internt fordrevne overalt i verden: Vi giver akut nødhjælp, kæmper for deres rettigheder og styrker deres fremtidsmuligheder. Vi er til stede i konfliktområderne, langs flugtruterne og dér, hvor flygtningene bosætter sig. Vi samarbejder med de lokale samfund om ansvarlige og bæredygtige løsninger. Vi arbejder for en vellykket integration og – når det er muligt – for, at flygtninge og fordrevne kan få opfyldt ønsket om at vende hjem.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 500 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de 10 færdiguddannede samt 25 studerende og praktikanter.

Vi accepterer IKKE uopfordrede jobansøgninger.
Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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