5.930 talentprofiler

Currently a self employed marketing consultant.
In summary a graduate, passionate about business, motivated, self-confident and keen to grow and develop a career.

Opdateret 17. august 2012
I am a Physics engineer specialized in MEMS development (designing, analytical-FEM modeling, cleanroom fabrication, and electromechanical testing). I have a lot of international experience. I am structured, hard-working, and result-oriented.

Opdateret 22. juli 2012

Opdateret 18. juli 2012
Som nyuddannet kandidat i den engelsksprogede uddannelse Development and International Relations og tidligere selvstændig IT-konsulent vil jeg være et godt match til mange typer af jobs. Speciale: menneskerettigheder og ligestilling.

Opdateret 12. juli 2012
Med baggrund i uddannelsen som Eksportingeniør og senere løbende efteruddannelse, herunder igangværende ”Master of the Psychology of Organisations” (MPO) som afsluttes juni 2009, har jeg de seneste 18 år arbejdet som forretningsleder og leder.

Opdateret 10. juli 2012
Vil din virksomhed gerne bruge design og designtænkning som driver for innovation og udvikling af konkurrencefordele? Så læs videre her.

Opdateret 17. juli 2012
Cand scient pol med erfaring indenfor fødevarer (Videncentret for Landbrug, Tulip). Også stor interesse for teknologi, kommunikation og EU. Skrev speciale om roamingforordning indenfor EU.

Opdateret 10. juli 2012
I am a graduate of MS Industrial Ecology from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden and have been trained with Thomas Concrete Group as part of my master’s thesis project.

Opdateret 25. juni 2012
i have completed my master of technology in Biotechnology looking for Ph.d in immunology.My goals also include to do higher research in the field of immunology and achieve positive results and solutions to human problems.

Opdateret 19. juni 2012
Completing my engineering degree this month, I will start a master degree in Environment management in September 2012. I like to work within a team, am not afraid of responsabilities and like to lead project's realization.

Opdateret 18. juni 2012
Thought, Creativity and Support in education and administration. A sharp analytic mind, perceptive and skilled in meeting demands is ready to take up any relevant position.

Opdateret 11. juni 2012
I am committed to a career in International Business to leverage my business experience gained through working and studying in 3 countries.

Opdateret 12. juni 2012
Har stærk viden om brugerundersøgelser, data indsamling, projektstøtte, sproglige færdigheder især fra Mellemøsten og Centralasien, viden om iværksætteri, innovation, import og eksport til de tredje lande.

Opdateret 29. maj 2012
I am doing Mphil.(master of philosophy) in physics from pondicherry central university.my project is about magnetic tunnling across a barrier and calculations based upon density functional theory.i am looking for Phd.position in same field.

Opdateret 17. maj 2012
Currently I'm an ACCA UK student pursuing my final exams.I'm expecting to finish them in this year.I would like to gain practical experience.looking forward hearing from you.

Opdateret 23. maj 2012
I have done Masters in Sustainable Water Sanitation Health & Development. I have interdisciplinary knowledge related to water and sanitation issues. I have teaching and research experience of about 2 years in water and sanitation issues

Opdateret 15. maj 2012
Initativrig og engageret ung kvinde søger nye udfordringer

Opdateret 31. maj 2012
I have Mphill in soil science ,I am exprienced in soil pollution and plant nutrition,fertilizer recommendation and soil classification.

Opdateret 22. maj 2012
Currently I am studying Master of Science degree in Earth Orientated Space Science and Technology at the Technical University of Munich in Germany.

Previously I have worked at KONE R&D center in Finland in various projects.

Opdateret 23. april 2012
Myself Amar.s Bhandare completed B.E,M.E in Mechanical engineering & having industrial experience of 2years in automotive industry & currently working as a Assistant prof. in engineering college.

Opdateret 26. april 2012
I have applied various machine learning methods, multi-variate statics (PLS, PCA, PLS-DA etc.), docking study, Linear interaction energy calculation (LIE), QSARs, pharmacophore modeling and expose on experimental testing

Opdateret 21. april 2012
I'm an MSc Energy Engineer, having 3 years work experience in co-generation power plants both in maintenance, operation and development fields.

Opdateret 25. april 2012
I am organised and skillful at negotiation and also at communication and human relationships. Seeking to work in an IT company where I can develop all my interests and skills that are related to computer networks, electronics or SW/HW development.

Opdateret 12. april 2012
IT-verdenens hastige udvikling er med til at forstærke min interesse for faget. Jeg lærer minimum et nyt programmeringssprog hvert halve år og bliver kun mere optaget af branchen. Vælg mig hvis i søger en reflekterende og lærenem studentermedhjælper.

Opdateret 08. april 2012
Cand.IT med fokus på strategi, ledelse. Har haft egen lille konsulent virksomhed ved siden af studierne i 6 år, og har fungeret som fast IT strateg og IT ansvarlig for Dansk Sejlunion siden januar 2011.

Opdateret 10. april 2012