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Instructor Wanted for 'Introduction to Embodied Artificial Intelligence' Course

Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moeller Institute is currently seeking an instructor for our course: 'Introduction to Embodied Artificial Intelligence'. The ideal candidate will have advanced proficiency in Lego Mindstorms programming and mechanical design using its components.

The instructor primary role will be guiding our students through their semester-long project - a find-and-rescue task utilizing a Lego Mindstorms kit. It is essential that the instructor have a passion for teaching, ideally with prior experience in knowledge dissemination, particularly in this topic.

Preference will be given to candidates who have completed the 'Embodied Artificial Intelligence' course or a comparable course.

For more information, please contact Juan Heredia at [email protected]

Employment is pursuant to the rules in the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Studenteransattes Landsforbund (the Danish association of student employees)/Foreningen af Danske Lægestuderende (the Danish association for medical students) for student teachers at universities with the associated protocol.

You must upload two files: Motivated cover letter and CV including other documents that must be included in the assessment.

Open the link "Apply now", where you fill in the application form and upload your two files.

- Motivated Cover Letter
- CV (including diplomas and teaching portfolio)

- References
- List of publications
- Up to 3 publications

Documents should not contain CPR number. If so, the CPR number should be crossed out.

All uploaded files mush be in Adobe PDF format.

Cover Letter and CV must max. take up 10 Mb.

The University of Southern Denmark wants to reflect the surrounding society and therefore encourage everyone regardless of personal background to apply for the position.

Placering: Odense, Denmark

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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

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