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Overlæge med tilknyttet professorat, Klinisk Farmakologisk Enhed, Sjællands Universitetshospital

Region Sjælland

Consultancy in Clinical Pharmacology combined with a clinical professorship (chair) in Clinical Pharmacology

A clinical position as consultant at Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital – Zealand University Hospital Roskilde is open for appointment from as soon as possible.

The position is combined with a 10-year position as clinical professor (chair) of Clinical Pharmacology at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the professorship and the consultancy.

The advertisement for the professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (161965 Clinical Professor (chair) of Clinical Pharmacology (Fixed-Term, 10 Years) (ku.dk))


Opened in 2013, Clinical Pharmacology Unit is obliged to support and promote rational pharmacology in Region Zealand. It is a university unit led by a chief physician and has teaching and research obligations at the University of Copenhagen. The Unit runs both a drug line and an ADR-management service. It provides professional support to the regional drug committee and participates in pre- and post-graduate teaching of medical students, doctors, and other health professionals. The unit is engaged in regional and national boards and working parties, including the Danish Medicines Council.

Currently located in Roskilde, the unit will soon be relocated to the new hospital which is under construction in the province city Køge.

Research and teaching
With this combined position at the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital – Zealand University Hospital Roskilde wish to strengthen the leadership in clinical pharmacological research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.

Research at Clinical Pharmacology Unit spans from basic science to clinical and epidemiological studies. Research focus on various aspects of rational drug use including dug utilisation, adverse drug events, medication errors, real life drug effectiveness, and pharmacogenomics.

The applicant must be board-certified specialist in Clinical Pharmacology or must be able to document that the applicant provides clinical work equivalent with the clinical work performed by a board-certified specialist within clinical pharmacology.

The consultant must have good collaborative and communicative skills.

In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the professorship) and to the hospital (the consultancy) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants at Zealand University Hospital.

Salary and conditions of employment as consultant are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.

As clinical professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g. research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for work in agreement with the Head of Clinical Pharmacology Unit. The clinical professor will receive secretarial or technical support equivalent to 50 % of a full-time secretary position, 25% from the Clinical Pharmacology Unit. Additional support and details on the working conditions must be negotiated with the Head of Clinical Pharmacology Unit.

Application procedure
The application must include the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications
  • Copy of relevant authorization certificates.
  • A description of how the applicant is qualified as
  • Clinical expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Manager/administrator/organizer
  • Health advocate
  • Scholar/researcher/teacher
  • Professional

For more information please refer to Sundhedsstyrelsen: The Seven Roles of Physicians.

The closing date for applications is 29.07.24.

Further information: Clinical Pharmacology Unit: Chief Physician Stig Ejdrup Andersen [email protected]

Information on Terms of employment for Region Zealand: https://www.regionsjaelland.dk/Kampagner/medicaldoctor/Sider/default.aspx

Om os
Den 1. januar 2024 fusionerede Sjællands Universitetshospital (SUH) med Nykøbing F. Sygehus (NFS). Som et af Danmarks største akutsygehuse driver og udvikler vi sygehusene i Køge, Roskilde og Nykøbing F. Vi har aktivitet på alle regionens sygehuse, og vi betjener alle regionens patienter med specialiserede sundhedsydelser samt tilbyder sundhedsydelser inden for 32 forskellige lægelige specialer.

Som Danmarks seneste universitetshospital søger vi at omdefinere tilgangen til, hvordan sundhedsfaglige ydelser leveres i regionen. Vi stræber efter at sikre lige sundhedstilbud for alle. Med øget fokus på uddannelse, forskning og innovation arbejder vi ud fra tankesættet om at bygge bro over afstande, etablere tværfaglige fællesskaber og bringe specialiseret behandling tættere på borgerne.

Læs mere om Sjællands Universitetshospital, Nykøbing F. her
Læs mere om Sjællands Universitetshospital, Køge og Roskilde her

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Såfremt du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte:

Stig Ejdrup Andersen

[email protected]

Ledende overlæge


Sjællands Universitetshospital, Roskilde


Klinisk farmakologi

Fuld tid

17. juni 2024

29. juli 2024

1. april 2025

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